Review of 'The Mystery Woman' by Belinda Alexandra


I have enjoyed every Belinda Alexandra novel I have read and 'The Mystery Woman' - a 1950's mystery set in an Australian fictional small town of Shipwreck Bay - has joined that list. I was glued to the pages from the first to the last. In fact I was barely conscious of time and turning the pages while reading it. Belinda knows how to write a great story with memorable scenes, perfect dialogue, fascinating characters and engaging plots.

Rebecca and the drama that surrounds her kept me interested and caring about this resilient woman who tries to hide her past to create a better future for herself. This sincere quest takes her down some unexpected and dangerous roads. She seeks approval from those around her- a flaw that may have stemmed from her poor relationship with her mother. She sets up boundaries and safety nets for self-preservation and is suspicious of every man’s intentions. Who can blame her? Even when she sometimes falls to temptation, it stems from her desire to be loved and appreciated.

The book deals with many topics: identity, archaic views (of the 1950's) toward women, lies, deceit, small town gossip, spiritual beliefs, trust and more.

Secrets, savagery and surprises! You’ll find it all here on the pages and in the town of Shipwreck Bay! If you haven’t read it, you must. I highly recommend it. 5 Stars 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

Published by Harper Collins Australia

Cindy L Spear