Welcome Julie Shackman! New Release: 'A Secret Scottish Escape!

Meet Scotland's Treasure! Author of Feel-Good Mystery Romances: Julie Shackman

Congrats to Julie on her newest release! My review here.

E-book May 21st, 2021 and Paperback August 19th, 2021


I am delighted to introduce Scottish author, Julie Shackman, and share an interview on her writing journey and her captivating new release “A Secret Scottish Escape.

Congrats Julie on your newest release!

One More Chapter (HarperCollins Publishers UK)

E-book May 21st, 2021 and Paperback August 19th, 2021


Author Julie Shackman

Author Julie Shackman

How many books have you written and do you have a favourite? 

I have written several (!) but A Secret Scottish Escape is my fifth book to be published. I honestly couldn’t choose a favourite. That would be like choosing my favourite child! I think each one of them is special to me in a different way.

What is the most exciting experience you have had as a writer? 

I think the two most exciting experiences so far, were the fab Selwa Anthony offering me representation and the wonderful HarperCollins imprint One More Chapter saying they wanted to publish A Secret Scottish Escape. I burst into tears both times and was convinced I was imagining it all!

What comes first, plot or characters when you are writing a novel? 

I tend to work on a rough plot outline first, before turning my attention to the characters and setting. I love world building, so I really enjoy that!

Share a little piece of your journey in becoming a published author? When did you first consider yourself a writer? Was it a life-long dream to be published? 

It has been a long journey! My first two books were published digitally by an independent London based publisher, but I always hoped to secure an agent and a traditional publisher. I always wanted to write feel-good romance and so, I love what I do. I think a lot of writers suffer from Imposter Syndrome, so to have a publisher like HarperCollins releasing my novel, is mind-blowing!

Who are your favourite authors and how have they influenced your writing as a whole? 

There are a lot of authors I love to read, but my particular favourites are Jenny Colgan, Trisha Ashely, Sophie Kinsella and Wendy Holden. They write and craft such absorbing, escapist stories and wonderful characters. I hope I can achieve that in my writing.

What was the inspiration behind your latest novel, A Secret Scottish Escape? 

My favourite fairy-tale is Beauty & The Beast and the premise for that, was the inspiration for A Secret Scottish Escape.  I wondered what that type of story would look like in modern day Scotland and the plot for the book snowballed from there.

Tell us a little bit about A Secret Scottish Escape’s focus on the music world? 

I am a huge music fan and always have been. Often when I’m writing, I have to listen to music and I find the lyrics often help me if I’m struggling with ideas. I think music very often plays such a major part in people’s lives and I decided to weave that into the book. 

What is the key theme or message from A Secret Scottish Escape? 

I think the main messages from the story, are to never give up and not to be too hard on yourself. No-one is perfect and as long as you live your life the best you can, you won’t go far wrong.

Can you share a secret about the novel or a favourite passage from its pages that would entice new readers to pick it up? 

I would say that you tend to find that the so-called quietest towns, contain the most secrets….!

The cast of characters of A Secret Scottish Escape are engaging, warm, witty, moody, lively and mesmerising. Which character holds a special meaning for you and why? 

Oh, thank you, Cindy! I have a soft spot for all of them, but I have to say that Harry, Layla’s Dad, is a particular favourite of mine. He’s charismatic, but a dedicated father to his daughter and always puts her first. He’s the epitome of a hard-working, loving single parent. He reminds me so much of my late mother Helen, who was the most amazing single parent to me and my younger brother Ian.

Australia has a spotlight in this novel. Why did you choose your ‘Mask’ character to be from this location? 

I think the influence came from having an Australian based literary agent and also the fact that I lived in Melbourne for a short time when I was little!

If your book was made into a movie, which actors would you choose for the parts? 

Oh, this is a great question! Here’s hoping! Seriously though, I would love to see someone like the British actress Tamla Kari play Layla. For Mask, it would have to be Santiago Cabrera. Not only do they physically resemble Layla and Mask, but they just carry something about them, which encapsulates both my characters. For Harry, definitely the amazing actor Bill Nighy!

What was the highlight of writing this novel? Any challenges in its creation or delivery?

I think the highlight for me, was working on the revisions with my wonderful editor Charlotte Ledger from HarperCollins. Immediately, Charlotte “got” my characters and was so enthusiastic and visionary about how I could tighten up the story. Her suggestions were invaluable and she really sprinkled her pixie dust over it!

Are you working on a new project and, if so, is there any info you can share with us? 

I have already written my next book, which I have revised following more of Charlotte’s advice and which is with her for consideration at the moment. Fingers crossed! I would say it’s another feel-good romance, where the main character wants to put space between herself and who she once was…. 

Your books usually have ample delicious food mentions. What is your favourite Scottish food from your current novel? If you were putting on a writing banquet and invited your favourite authors to share their expertise, what foods would you choose? 

These are terrific questions, Cindy! Well, I love fish, chicken and all types of cheeses, so anything with perhaps Scottish Salmon or a Dunsyre Cheese tartlet would be lovely!

Thank you so much for interviewing me, Cindy! 


Thank you Julie for being a guest on my website and for sharing your writing experience and information on your new novel. I wish you much success and that your book flies off the shelves into the hearts and homes of many across the world! Thanks also to Julie and her publisher One More Chapter (HarperCollins Publishers UK) for an advanced copy of the novel. See my Book Review here.


You can order your copy of ‘The Secret Scottish Escape’ (plus other books of Julie’s) from:

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The McKerron Castle as at 18 Oct 2019 .jpg
A Room at the Manor - Final Cover - 24 April 2018 (2).jpg



Cindy L Spear