A Wreath (Father's Day Poem by Cindy L Spear)

Photo by Cindy L Spear

Photo by Cindy L Spear


(In memory of Edward Spear Sr.)


I look out the window~

Its wide eye open 

To the constant rhythm

That lulls the sky blue

And the sea to calm.


My thoughts of you, Father~

Rise from the siren depths

Like the great north king

Waking in the white 

Whirl of wind.


Snow showers 

From the branches

As I shake my long hair; 

Remembering the icy shock of winter

And my loss of you~ still.


I taste the sweet Maple syrup

From the glistening flush 

Of Autumn~

That I bought just today 

In memory of home and you.


There is not a day

That I am not conscious

Of your every step~

As I make decisions

You are always my shadow.


Behind me, I hear your voice

Telling me which way

The wind blows~

And which way to set my sail

Toward the horizon.


I want to move forward

Always into the light~

But sometimes I fall beneath

The spicy rich decay

Under the thick flakes piled high.


So much of winter in my soul

That long cold season of New Brunswick~

So vastly different 

From the endless summer

Of the Land Down Under.


The war between the two

The restless beat

That never fades~

Like my love for you, Father~

And who you were.


Much of you remains~

In so many places unexplained~

My daughter~ your grand daughter

Has your eagle eyes

To see what so many do not.


I leave a wreath today

Upon the grave of my soul~

And even though the sadness 

Ebbs and flows like the sea~

You are never forgotten...


Cindy L Spear copyright Dec. 2007


Photo by Cindy L Spear

Photo by Cindy L Spear

Cindy L Spear