Interview with Julie Shackman on ‘A Scottish Highland Surprise’!

Julie Shackman’s new e-book release is available April 22, 2022!

Published by HarperCollins Australia

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The paperback version will be available July 21st, 2022.

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Interview with Julie Shackman – Author of A Scottish Highland Surprise

 Congrats to Julie on the release of her new novel today (e-book version).

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What inspired A Scottish Highland Surprise? Give us a little overview of the story.

I had been browsing the internet and came across some beautiful images of crockery and tea sets. I wondered what the history of them might be and if they were handed down to generations in families. Then the idea started to form about what if there was a mysterious backdrop to a crockery set and it just went from there.

Tell us about the Epigraph: ‘A tale of regretting what you haven’t done…not what you have…’ and how it ties in with your story? 

I remember reading more than once, the saying of “Don’t regret what you have done – regret what you haven’t.” In other words, make the most of every day. I think that message ties in with Helena, Sophie’s grandmother. I don’t want to give too much away, but she regretted something she hadn’t done and she doesn’t want Sophie to make the same mistake – so Helena decides to do something about it.

Do you have a personal interest in tea sets? Are you a collector? 

I am not an aficionado of tea sets or crockery at all, nor do I collect them, but I do have a soft spot for a pretty or unusual tea pot!

A very old tea set in this story has an intriguing mystery surrounding it. Was it inspired by a true story or solely from your imagination? 

It was inspired by my imagination. It was quite tricky to come up with the clues and details – thank you! That seemed to develop as I went along. But I am lucky that I have a wonderful literary agent in Selwa Anthony and an equally wonderful editor in Jennie Rothwell, so they were able to point out things to me, which made me view the story from a different angle. That always helps!

Why did you decide to use letters and flashbacks to tell grandmother Helena’s story? 

When I was thinking about and creating the backstory to the tea set, I thought a letter from Sophie’s grandmother had that personal touch. When you lose someone, having a letter from them, with their handwriting and their thoughts and feelings on the page, is a very special thing. It’s a treasured connection to them. I wanted to try and convey that in the story. I have kept so many things with my late Mum’s handwriting on them – even gift tags - simply because I can see her handwriting and it’s that connection again. 

Would you say pieces of your own personality are reflected in Sophie? 

How are you two same or different? Oh, that is a good question! There are little bits of Sophie I can see in myself. She’s a big list maker, which is what I like to do to try – and I emphasise try – to feel organised! She can also be a bit impulsive – again, like me!

Do you have a favourite scene in A Scottish Highland Surprise and why? 

One of the scenes which I really enjoyed writing, was with Sophie and Xander, when he bangs his head in the shop. He’s grumbling like a kid and sitting feeling sorry for himself, but despite that, Sophie is kind to him and that is when they both start to realise there might be chemistry between them. I had fun with the verbal volleyball in that scene and I hope the readers enjoy it!

What was your most challenging obstacle to overcome while writing A Scottish Highland Surprise? 

I think it was getting the timelines right and making sure the historical diary entries all tied in. I tend to get rather excited and a bit carried away when I’m writing and knee-deep in a plot, but thankfully, Jennie and her editing colleagues were able to reign me in!  

What is the main theme of A Scottish Highland Surprise

I would say the main theme is to go for your dreams. If you want to do something, do it. Don’t let anyone or anything stop you. You might fail, but I think not trying is worse. If for some reason, things don’t work out, at least you can say you gave it your best shot. 

Give us three words each to describe art critic Xander and artist Jake? 

Xander – Witty; intense; intelligent.  Jake – Charming; selfish; self-absorbed! 

Have you taken any creative journeys or studies that have helped you in the writing of A Scottish Highland Surprise?  

I did read up on the history of some very unusual tea sets and how they were crafted, when and where. I also did some research on what people wore in the late 1800s-early1900s; furniture etc, as well as the 1960s and 1970s. Hopefully, I captured the essence of those time periods!

Do you have a favourite season and, in your opinion, how does that time of the year make Scotland’s beauty shine? 

I would say I love the spring and the summer best. It’s all the cherry blossom popping out on the trees – we have a huge cherry blossom tree in our front garden and it is stunning right now. Also, the hillsides seem to change colour every time you look at them and there is feeling of starting over. I love that!

What book stack do you currently have by your bedside? Any new releases you recommend? 

I am wading my way through my To Be Read pile at the moment! I’m currently reading One More Christmas at the Castle by one of my favourite authors, Trisha Ashley. I am loving it! I also have a couple more festive books to read, as well as AJ Bird’s Yours Cheerfully, which I can’t wait to read. It’s a follow-up to Dear Mrs Bird, which was wonderful and set during World War Two in London.

Your books are sold in various formats which offer the reader a wide variety of options and experiences?

Do you prefer paperbacks, e-books or audio books for your own personal reading? I personally prefer to read paperbacks. I just love the feel of them and being able to appreciate the cover art work in my hands. Holding a paperback and losing yourself between the pages, is so lovely.

15.  Are you working on a new story and, if so, can you toss a few breadcrumbs our way?

I have my next book after A Scottish Highland Surprise, pencilled in for release in November. What I can tell you about it, is that it is a Christmas themed romance and features a mysterious house….

Thank you so much for all these fab questions, Cindy and to everyone out there who is buying my books! It means the world! 

Thanks Julie for being my guest! Best wishes on the release of your novel today and may it continue to soar up the charts!


Julie X

Cindy L Spear