Interview with Pamela Cook, Author of 'All We Dream'
My special guest today is Pamela Cook, author of All We Dream
Visit Pamela’s website for details on her writing ventures and teaching options.
Plus info on her books and how to purchase them.
Listen to her Writes4Women podcast
Interview with Pamela Cook Author of All We Dream
(Link to my review of All We Dream)
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Please share the publishing history of All We Dream and an overview (what is it about)?
All We dream is the second edition of Essie’s Way, my second published book with Hachette (2013). It was written to a very tight deadline and while I loved the story and characters it was always a story I would have loved to have taken more time with. After my first novel Blackwattle Lake was published in December 2012, my publisher wanted to know what else I had and the answer was ‘nothing’. I did have a couple of story fragments, one featuring a younger character and one an older one, which I decided to combine. I also had a vague idea I wanted to include something about a shipwreck. Researching, I discovered a newspaper article about a woman called Grace Bussell who rescued a man from a shipwreck off the West Australian coast during the 1800’s. That was the thread that unified all the pieces and the story came together.
The book’s title, All We Dream, is inspired by a line in a poem by Edgar Allan Poe, “All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.” Can you explain how this quote is connected to your story?
The original story had a strong dream thread running through it which I wanted to strengthen in the rewrite. I was looking for a quote about dreams, or a line from a poem, and came across this line from Poe. I then remembered I had a copy of his collected works on my shelf and found the poem. It was perfect to use as it was no longer under copyright. There are two point of view characters, Miranda (turning 30 and soon to be married) and Esther (an 88 year old recluse who lives alone in a shack overlooking the beach). Both characters experience strange dreams throughout the story, and a dream Esther has as a young woman leads to a life changing event.
Of the three women in All We Dream, Miranda, Esther and Kathleen, which character do you feel closest to or identify with?
Great question! While I loved writing all three, Esther was the character who came to me most easily, both the present time story and the sections written in her younger voice (when she was known as Essie). These are written in diary form, and I absolutely loved writing the scenes of Essie loving her life on the farm but feeling the pressure from her family to conform to the social expectations of a young woman at the time. Contrasting Esther’s early life with her life as an old woman, alone and vulnerable but also stubbornly independent, was such a joy. And as Esther is the same age as my mother, talking to her about her memories of growing up in the Depression and afterwards, made the research so special. Of all the characters I’ve ever written, I think Esther is my favourite.
Who is the main ‘villain’ of the story and provide three words to describe him/her/it?
The villain of the story is Esther’s nephew who I would describe as selfish, ruthless and mean.
What was your favourite scene to write in All We Dream?
Apart from the end scene (no spoilers) it was definitely the scene where Essie and Samuel, the farmhand she has fallen in love with, rescue a man from a sinking ship in a wild storm in the middle of the night. I love writing scenes that contain a lot of tension and emotion and this one absolutely did! Oh and to sneak another one in, there’s the scene where Miranda is standing on the beach and a horse swims through the waves towards her, closely followed by a very handsome shirtless man – Vincent.
There are some beautiful coastal scenes in All We Dream. Why did you choose the South Coast of NSW as the main setting?
While I grew up in Sydney, I spent every Christmas holiday at Burrill Lake on the south coast and fell in love with the whole south coast. Just over 20 years ago we bought a family holiday house at Little Forest near Milton. The beaches, forests and lakes are all so beautiful – there’s a wild element that I just can’t get enough of!
What themes/ messages/ mottos do you hope your readers see in All We Dream?
The main theme is about being true to yourself, following your heart and instincts no matter what society expects you to do. It’s something that Esther sadly was unable to do as a younger woman. It’s also about family, forgiveness and finding a place to belong.
Would you say that the natural world (such as animals, sea, rocks, rain, wind, fire) play an important role in this story? If so, how?
Definitely! The ocean is a fairly constant presence throughout the story. Esther lives in a shack on a cliff overlooking the ocean. Miranda first comes across her in a cave on the beach after Esther has had a fall. There’s also the horse property where Esther grew up, and where Vincent now works as a horse trainer. It’s a completely made up property with a gorgeous colonial style home and lush green hills rolling down to the sea.