Interview with Ella Carey, author of 'The Girl From Paris.'

International Best Selling Author, Ella Carey, talks about her latest novel ‘The Girl From Paris.’ (See my review.)

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Can you tell us who or what inspired The Girl From Paris 

During the editing process for A New York Secret, the first book in this new series, my editor said that she adored Vianne, who made some small, but important appearances. My editor insisted that Lily, my lead character in A New York Secret, get in the car with Vianne when she offered her a ride! And I was asked to write a book about Vianne after that.

Please provide an overview of The Girl From Paris ? 

Vianne Mercier is a young Parisian woman who dreams of becoming a fashion designer, of contributing to the industry that was maintained during the First World War by the likes of Gabrielle Chanel. But when Vianne loses her family in the closing days of the war, she cannot bear to remain in Paris because it is filled with so many memories of everything she has lost. Vianne travels to New York, where she works hard toward her ambition of designing couture pieces for Manhattan’s most fashionable clientele. The book is filled with descriptions of beautiful 1920’s clothes and is set against the backdrop of fabulous Jazz Age New York.

Which theme/s do you hope readers see in The Girl From Paris 

I hope that readers see the sense of hope and optimism that was borne out of the 1920s, after a devastating period that was clouded by war and the Spanish flu. Vianne believes in creating something beautiful, no matter how difficult things are around her, and I hope readers take something away from that. Then, there is the theme of women rising above exploitation and unfair treatment, to find independence against the odds.

Did you include any key figures from history in the novel or were any of your characters inspired by real people?

Josephine Baker and Emilie Grigsby make appearances in the book, and the mayor of New York city, Jimmy Walker, also appears. He represents the essence of the Jazz Age, where partying and enjoying the current moment were all the rage. 

Which resources for research did you find most helpful in the writing of The Girl From Paris?

I wrote this book during the lockdowns, so books were invaluable to me. I bought several beautifully illustrated books on 1920’s fashion, Jazz Age New York, women in the Great War, books on Paris in the First World War, and books on fashion design in general. I also watched countless old videos from the era and read widely on the aftermath of the First World War.

Were there any discoveries or technological advancements that occurred in history that you were able to include in the The Girl From Paris?

Fashion was changing enormously at the time. The 1920’s were all about the new woman, who cut her hair short, wore dresses that were easy to dance in, went to nightclubs on her own, and worked. The 1920’s were characterised by ideas and discussions about finding a new way of living, about modernism that was different from the constricts of the Victorian times, and much of this thinking was borne out of the devastation of war. Talking of the devastation of war, the Paris Gun also makes an appearance, unfortunately, and that was one of the first guns to be able to shoot into the stratosphere.

This novel deals with the horrible losses caused by war. Innocent people lost their lives. What was the hardest scene to write in The Girl From Paris?

The hardest scene to write was when Vianne learned that her mother and sister had been killed in the bombing attack on St. Gervais church on Good Friday in 1918. It was a devastating attack launched by a gun well out of Paris, which randomly hit worshippers on that day. Feeling, with Vianne, this sudden, terrible loss, was very sad, moving, and difficult to write.

What three words would you use to describe the character of Vianne?

Brave, creative, joyous.

Why did you decide to make Vianne a seamstress/dress-designer?

When I learned that female French fashion designers played a significant role in keeping the French economy going during the First World War, I was fascinated. I have always adored fashion, but I cannot sew, but I was able to relate to Vianne’s creativity, so I made her a designer rather than a dressmaker.

What is it about France and the French culture that you find so appealing?

I love the way French people in the south of France still take time out for a long lunch, I adore the Parisian’s precision, the way things are so beautifully done. I love French history, architecture, art and the way the countryside is made up of a myriad of differences, but it is all charming. And I adore Paris because it’s the most elegant, beautiful city in the world.

Can you provide a summary of your publishing journey, including any accomplishments or setbacks?

I have had nine books published, and many foreign translations of my books into European languages. My first book, Paris Time Capsule, was published in 2015, and I’ve written full time ever since. It is certainly a busy career, and has its challenges, but I wouldn’t trade it for anything. I studied the craft of writing for ten years before submitting any books to publishers, and this period was always so challenging, as I had put so much effort and love into my writing. I didn’t know whether all my work would bear any fruit!

What book/s or author/s inspired you to become a writer? 

I’ve always loved the classics- Jane Austen, Charlotte Bronte and Daphne Du Maurier are my inspirations.

If you could give your younger self writing advice, what would it be?

To have faith in the outcome of all the hard work.

What do you think is the secret to literary success?

I think it’s important to love your characters so much, that your readers will love them in turn.

The Girl From Paris is the third one of a series. Do you have plans to write more? Are there any other projects happening that you can share? 

Yes, I’ve completed the next novel, and this will release in July, 2022. I’m writing the one after that, which publishes in January 2023.

If you were having a dinner party and could invite three of your favourite authors (from the past or present) who would they be? 

Jane Austen, Alexander McCall Smith and Isabelle Allende.

Thank you so much Ella for being a guest on my website! Everyone pick up a copy of this incredible novel as you will surely love it as I do. See my review here.

Cindy L Spear