Review of 'Under A Veiled Moon' by Karen Odden

Review of Under A Veiled Moon – by author Karen Odden

Novel due out October 11, 2022

Publisher: Crooked Lane Books



Wow! What a complete, inspiring reading experience! I have loved every novel of Karen Odden’s and this one is now grafted to my heart leaving me with incredible reading memories. Under A Veiled Moon (such a poetic title that conjures up so many feelings and images) is extra special. It truly captured my imagination on so many levels. It is another shining accomplishment that caught my attention from the first line and had me racing through the pages, pausing only to wipe tears from my eyes and to push down some of the lumps welling up in my throat. There are some incredible heart-choking scenes, to say the least, that kept me pinned to the plot. It reminded me why I love Karen’s writing so much. Exceptional story-telling, intelligent mystery weaving, moving scenes and memorable characters. It is so finely crafted, that you can see every detail, smell the action and taste the danger.

Instalment two of the Inspector Corravan historical mystery series, takes us inside the heart and mind of the Irish born inspector where we learn more of his roots and the family that took him in when he was younger. We get to know him at a more intimate level: to feel the cloth from which his life has been fashioned. The depth and complexity of these revelations make him even more intriguing. It is easy to sympathise with his emotional upheavals while each painful drama unfolds externally and internally. His family traumas and difficult history only prove to shed light on his skills as an insightful, resourceful inspector. Getting a broader picture of this man, helps us to understand his influence on those around him and his drive for justice and his passion to correct wrongs and set the world right. With all that swirls around him, he proves that everything isn’t as it seems and prejudice is a dangerous path.

His latest mystery is solving the Princess Alice pleasure craft collision with the Bywell Castle bulk cargo ship (collier) on the Thames. We get a personal inside view and account of the survivors’ experience (including crewmen) and a frightening picture of those who lost their lives in the worst maritime disaster London had ever experienced. Was it an accident or sabotage? If an accident, what went wrong with the crew in charge allowing such an event to happen? If sabotage, who would aim such a vicious attack on innocent lives? There are lots of questions that need answers and our Inspector Corravan skilfully and tirelessly scrutinises every morsel he can grasp and follows every clue imaginable. He travels down various paths in front of him, some obvious and others hidden, for he is determined to get to the root of this disaster (and others that may be connected to it); especially since there may be personal connections that could cause his own family harm. The past is never very far from his present life and even though he has escaped a dire background and the wrath of many, there are still quivering wakes across the sea of his life. These ill effects are often whisperings and sinister shadows in the background that could leap out and hurt those he loves and holds dear.

The subject of Irish Home Rule takes centre stage in this novel. Are the IRB behind the collision and other attacks happening? Could there also be other groups involved? This is a story (as in life) where things may not always be as they seem. In this case, the Irish are blamed for every ill event. We are well reminded of the ongoing war between the Irish and English. It has often been a smouldering coal throughout history, that at times, bursts into angry flames. Did this uncontrolled fire try to gain a voice for freedom with this maritime disaster? The Inspector tries to figure this out and, of course, hopes this is not the case. But truth is what he seeks above all. And that not every Irishman is trouble. An entire culture/country of people should not be tarred with the same brush because of a few bad apples. This story shows how wrong this thinking is: for innocent people will inevitably and unfairly be labelled guilty when they are not.

This story covers so many things: prejudice, jealousy, hatred, pride, power, revenge, anger, bitterness, soul-wrenching grief but also unfathomable, unconditional love, priceless forgiveness, spiritual reconciliation, blood-ties reimagined, reshaping of family, and so on… I loved this novel from start to finish. It will stay with me forever, especially one heart-breaking scene that was handled with great respect and creative rightness. I felt the ending was appropriate and it left me at peace with the outcomes. It also made me look forward to the next leg of the Inspector’s journey where there will be more criminals to catch and more cases to solve and even more personal revelations to come. Under A Veiled Moon was masterfully executed. I highly recommend this 5 Star triumph.

Many thanks to Karen Odden, Crooked Lane Books and Netgalley for a review copy.










Cindy L Spear