Review of 'The Island Villa' by Lily Graham

Review of ‘The Island Villa’ by Lily Graham

Published by Bookouture 2018

Visit Lily’s Website for more about her and her novels.


I really enjoyed The Island Villa: the first novel of Lily Graham's I have read. It is a beautiful and original cross of contemporary women’s and feel-good fiction mixed with a heart-breaking historical thread that takes us back to one woman’s family heritage on a Spanish island: a unique place that harbours many secrets of unusual circumstances and stories that surround its immigrants.

The current timeline with its intriguing journey into an exploration of the past is born out of loss. Charlotte, in the modern timeline, has lost her husband to cancer. After his death, she discovers he has bought her a villa on a Spanish island and wants her to explore her family roots. Above all, he wants her to be happy, even though he is gone. He obviously managed to do some research before his death and sets up this opportunity for her. Charlotte’s reaction of surprise is expected and although grief weighs heavy on her heart, she picks herself up and follows her late husband's wishes and goes to the Island.

Charlotte, as a character, is very likeable. Her dealings with grief may seem unusual to some but I found her actions understandable. I also found myself cheering her on to follow the leads presented to her and for having the courage to embark on a journey that would ultimately change her life. The purchase of this villa, that was once a home of her ancestors, allowed her to touch history in a way she may not have before. It gave her the chance to learn its story and that of her family's so she could pass it all on to the next generation. This is a beautiful legacy. Of course, the villa and island— harbour many secrets that will turn her world on its head. She will discover many surprising things about her more immediate relative through another.

This novel inspired me in ways I did not expect and I found each timeline equally intriguing. The past timeline (set in 1718) gives us the backstory of two sisters, the circumstances that surrounded them, and the outcome and dangerous reaction to betrayal that set these two at odds. These events also flow into the present in unexpected ways. But the story does not end there and when Charlotte learns what happened, she has a new appreciation and understanding of her family and a new confidence to move forward.

This was the first novel of Lily Graham’s I had read and now I am buying more. I loved The Island Villa’s depth, ease of story-telling, beautiful descriptions and heart-felt honest direction. I highly recommend The Island Villa to those who want something a little different that reflects both the historical but also manages to capture a number of other genres in its approach. It is a well-written, highly memorable and deeply touching dual timeline story. 5 Stars from me. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️


Cindy L Spear