Review of 'The World at My Feet' by Catherine Isaac

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This is the first novel I have read by Catherine Isaac but I will definitely read more. I saw ‘World at my Feet’ in a bookstore and the cover drew me in. I had a look inside, put it back, went home and then could not stop thinking about it so ended up going back to buy the novel. Its opening pages were intriguing and reeled me in instantly. Once I started reading it, I could not put it down.

It is told from two viewpoints. The first and main storyline is about Ellie, an Instagram influencer who maintains a large following with her gardening posts. Her garden is, in truth, her sanctuary for she has agoraphobia: an extreme fear of entering open or crowded places or of leaving one's own home. She also has a troubling past that haunts and shapes her in more ways than she cares to admit.

The second, though smaller storyline, is of her mother Harriet, a news correspondent who travels to dangerous locations and tries to not break her unwritten rule. Harriet is a likeable character: very supportive of her daughter. She exhibits nothing but unconditional love and kindness for Ellie.

It is well researched on the psychology of agoraphobia. But used in a seamless way. The style of writing is crisp and creative and you are drawn in so deeply by the characters and storyline you truly care about the outcomes. There are two men in the mix who affect Ellie in different ways. One makes her feel safe and loved and the other fearful and insecure. We sympathise with Ellie’s trauma as she tries to sort out her path to love and healing. And to learn she cannot run from her past but must face it, to conquer it.

This story also touches on the good, bad and, to a lesser extent, the ugliness of social media. What is real and what is a front. How it can build someone up, yet tear them down but also create and restore lasting connections.

I truly enjoyed the journey through this novel for its delivery is both realistic and imaginative. I recommend it to all those who like heart-felt explorations of social issues and fears. And the discovery of real love in all its many forms. 5 stars 🦋🦋🦋🦋🦋

Catherine Isaac is published by Simon & Schuster

Cindy L Spear