Review of 'The Silver Ladies Do Lunch' by Judy Leigh

Review of 'The Silver Ladies Do Lunch' by Judy Leigh

Release date: June 2nd, 2023

Publisher: Boldwood Books

It is always wonderful to see the older generation get some attention in fiction. We are all aging and at one point we’ll be standing where these characters are but let’s hope we have the infectious humour, wise-old-owl insight and fireworks passion these ladies possess! Lin, Josie and Minnie have been old friends since Primary School. They each have had their share of trials but when the feisty, faithful and fervent ninety year old teacher glides back into town, and into their lives, new adventures begin to take shape over cups of tea. Cecily (Miss Hamilton) is quite the unforgettable character and her responses deliver lots of laughter and cheers with her unabashed attitudes and intended actions.

The Silver Ladies Do Lunch is an endearing story about lasting friendship of old friends but it also about embracing new faces into their circle. And facing the challenges of life are not so bad when you have the support of friends and family. The future, too, is brighter with the help of many hands and giving hearts.

Josie has lost her husband and is still in mourning after a year but she takes a Caribbean Cruise and meets an interesting man who wants to write a book. He has lost his partner and is in deep sadness but Josie cheers him up. They share each other’s stories, receive comfort and bring a little joy back into each other’s lives.

Lin is getting ready for her fiftieth anniversary but discovers Neil, her husband, has been lying to her. She stumbles across evidence that raises hot relentless suspicion in her mind and she begins to imagine all sorts of things. Anger sparks, too. Has her husband betrayed her? Does he have another women on the side? Lin’s imagination runs wild and her friends try to help her remain calm. But her doubts about the sincerity of his love trigger a range of mixed emotions. The questions in her mind certainly have a field day with her! Later on, we discover his activity, as does she. And it will quite literally knock her off her feet!

Minnie loves her academic world of Oxford. She loves the smell, charm and wonder of books! They make ‘her heart race’. She drinks up the knowledge she finds between their covers. It offers her great joy. But with all she’s gained in these inanimate beloved companions, has she missed out on human love? It seems the more she distances herself from men, the more they pursue her? She is happier in the company of books. But has she sacrificed too much? Not everything. For she has solid friendships and reminds Lin and Josie of Miss Hamilton’s words written in their notebooks when they were primary students. ‘A good friend is like a four-leaf clover; hard to find and lucky to have.’ This line is a theme that resounds and reappears more than once in the story.

It is a lively slice of small town magic. A large number of characters keep you hopping and clearing the cobwebs from your mind. But I think besides Cecily, Dangerous Dave and his daughter Florence are my close favourites. How he graciously handles her predicament and how the community rally around to help her, is quite heart-warming. Florence’s unexpected news pulls the community together, gives them purpose, and proves to be the heartbeat of the story.

The Silver Ladies Do Lunch is a caring, cosy, characterful story full of wit, wisdom, non-judgemental attitude, support, charm and feel-good experiences. Troubles are softened by a great band of friends who rally around to buoy those who are disheartened, dishonoured and distraught. This novel offers a warm-hug-message to a world that often does not care about its neighbours. It shows us that offering a kind word and pitching in to help those in distress is so much more pleasing and rewarding than being judgemental. We are all on this planet together so why not be the best friend, family member or neighbour possible! 4 Strong Happy Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Many thanks to Boldwood Books & Netgalley for my review copy.

Cindy L Spear