Review of 'The Escapades of Tribulation Johnson' by Karen Brooks

Review of 'The Escapades of Tribulation Johnson' by Karen Brooks

Publish date: July 5th, 2023

Publisher: HQ Australia


Review of The Escapades of Tribulation Johnson


The Escapades of Tribulation Johnson really knocked me off my feet! Kept me glued to the pages and up all hours reading it. Such a powerful riveting novel filled with fascinating characters, beautiful poetic descriptions, gorgeous literary references and a plot that has more twists and turns that you can count. There’s a lot to keep you interested, considering it is a very long story. But with the ample intrigue, drama, mystery, danger, treachery, suspense, love and romance happening, you are pinned to the actions of Tribulation and the rest of the cast. It is one power packed treasure!

There’s a lot to say about this book but there’s a danger of saying too much and spoiling the journey for readers, so I will try to stick to a few things, but be assured I highly recommend The Escapades of Tribulation Johnson to historical fiction lovers who enjoy imagining the lives of those that have gone before us. Here we get to see what it might have been like to be Tribulation and, of course, to have known the famous Aphra Behn, (born 1640 and died 1689) the first English woman to actually make a living from her writing.

Karen Brooks has a soaring reputation herself as an ‘author, columnist, journalist, book reviewer, corporate speaker, semi-retired academic and social commentator.’ She wears many hats like Aphra. In this novel she shows us quite well Aphra’s variety of writing skills as a playwright, poet, prose writer and translator from the Restoration era. This intriguing woman from the past wrote lively bold material for her day, always heralding her feminist opinions and displaying her gifted vision. Her determination was admirable and the effect she had on future women writers. Karen does an incredible job of painting her in our minds so that we feel as those we have become friends with this woman. Someone we can look up to. A mentor or sorts. We love her just as Tribulation does and learn from her brilliant phrases and draw courage from her positive advice. She is an amazing character and I won’t forget her. Just as I won’t forget Tribulation. To watch her blossom throughout the story into a strong confident woman writer was in part due to the influence of Aphra (which in many ways represents all of us women writers who have come after her). The battles women faced back then, as we know from history, were pretty horrific.

There are numerous characters in this novel and Karen has listed them at the back to keep track. Three men who affect Tribulation’s life, first is her papa. His strict attitudes and harsh treatment dents her self-confidence immensely. But she continues to rebel against the archaic views of the age that women were to remain silent, have no opinion unless given one by a man. Tribulation dreams of leaving Chartham village to see London and other places as she feels there has to be ‘more to life than simply listening’. Her departure from her hometown proves to be her greatest move. Her arrival in London certainly opens new avenues through her cousin Aphra. Her entry into the theatre is a bumpy one but there she meets Jonathon Rickman. He carries two names for reasons you will learn. He is an impressive actor but so much more than meets the eye. He saves her from an embarrassing moment on the stage but later seeks her assistance for a job she never expected to do. Their journey together is an intriguing one with a few flips and turns but he is a constant in her background. Then eventually she meets William Scot, a scoundrel-traitor figure, who also poses under another name. The revelation of his connection to Tribulation will explain so much about her past. And it is not a pretty one. But she will rise above the discord and trials with a determination that fills a heart with hope.

Tribulation’s sister, Bethan, holds one of the large pieces of the family puzzle. She is the one who manages to have Tribulation sent to the home of cousin Aphra. (The greatest gift she could have given her—even if it first appears a strange move on Bethan’s part. But all will be revealed!) I thought her presence and outcome were appropriately handled. Her trials and eventual happiness are quite moving. Plus, her enormous part in Tribulation’s rescue.

I have already mentioned Aphra who is the shining star in Tribulation’s life. But I want to make a quick mention also of the quiet steady hand and loving heart of Nest, Aphra’s maid, who cared for Tribulation as well. There were some very endearing moments in the story with these three. Especially during difficult times. She is like family to them.

Karen’s attention to detail for every aspect of the novel is quite outstanding. Everything felt believable and never once did I feel I was pulled out of the setting or plot—it all just flowed along like a well-oiled machine. Karen’s exceptional writing transported me to 1600’s London, with theatre scenes that are so authentic I felt I was there in the crowd or behind the stage. It presented the chaos and charisma of such a place in the 17th Century. And Aphra’s and Tribulation’s part made it all the more relatable.

The novel also explores the political upheaval and relationship scandals of the time. A large part of the story’s fabric is the constant threat to the crown, those who tried to take the King down. Plus, the characters who are always spying and trying to keep tabs on the traitors to prevent the King’s death. These ruthless adversaries are lurking in many arenas. This battle of strengths is woven like a theme thread through the heart of the novel but even these are interlaced with Aphra and Tribulation’s actions and reactions. For these two ladies are part of the inner circle. But being women, their words are not taken seriously and they must take drastic measures to prove their points.

I could rave forever about this novel as I truly loved it. There are so many memorable phrases – many that came from Aphra, wonderful insightful observations and advice. And even Tribulation’s thoughts and spoken words are brilliant. With Tribulation, you just never knew what was going to come out of her mouth. So often she rose to the occasion with a wit and determination that made me cheer! Even when she first arrived on Aphra’s doorstep, before she was guided by this woman to achieve greater heights, her raw honesty and thirst to learn and explore the world was ever present. What her father mistakenly called ‘unnatural’ ways was true individuality. She really was a girl ahead of her time. A younger version of Aphra as Aphra said herself. And, of course, the meaning of her name was soon to be realised. Along with its positives— ‘two sides of the same coin’. Trouble and Hope. And how they go hand in hand.

I deeply encourage everyone who loves extraordinary historical fiction to read The Escapades of Tribulation Johnson when it is out. Another sparkling jewel added to Karen's exquisite literary crown! A novel truly worthy of high praise and worth more than just 5 Stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️*

Many thanks to HQ Australia and Netgalley for my review copy.


Cindy L Spear