Review of 'The Ravenswood Witch' by Jenni Keer

Review of 'The Ravenswood Witch' by Jenni Keer

Release date: September 30th, 2024

Publisher: Boldwood Books


I really enjoyed this historical paranormal mystery set in 1885. It is full of unnerving witchy activities, spooky characters and strange twists and turns that kept me intrigued from start to finish. The emotions of the characters were often reflected in the moody weather that added to the ominous atmosphere. The shadowy woodsy location is both appealing and frightening. And Bran, the stunning talking raven, added both wisdom and drama to the story. His protectiveness of Luna was endearing and he certainly lived up to the attributes of ravens as being bearers of prophecy and insight. As a psychopomp, the bird kept everything swirling between the spirit realm and physical world.

A woman has run away from a sticky situation where she is accused of murder. During her middle of the night escape along the river bank, she literally runs into Marcus Greybourne and breaks her ankle. He scoops her up and takes her to his home to attend to her injury. When a constable arrives looking for this woman, Marcus pretends this woman is Luna (his wife) to save her from being taken away. But what has happened to his real wife? It is a fair while before this question is answered and in the meantime nobody can be trusted. The author leads us to question each of the characters that surround Luna. Who is friend and who is enemy?

This story is full of many eerie moments that gave me numerous chills! Strange threatening messages, a cracked mirror, flying roof tiles and other unusual activities kept things interesting! Were they the handwork of a woman’s ghost? Who was behind all this haunting on the premises?

There is a lot of discussion about witchcraft in this novel. Marcus says he does not believe in the supernatural but Luna is not quite sure what she thinks. Doubts she may have are challenged, when a number of bizarre things start to happen. It is obvious someone is out to get her.

The thing about this story to remember is that evil is good at deception and sometimes what appears to be safe is actually sinister. I cannot say too much more about this or I risk giving the plot away.

We learn a fair bit about the real Luna and what a mad woman she was with her bizarre behaviour. And how she tortured her husband who tried so hard to save her. But when this woman comes on the scene and agrees to continue the charade of being his wife, a lot begins to happen. This new Luna, so as not to be labelled a witch (like the real wife of Marcus), must convey her improved condition. That she has changed into a better person. Well many in the village do not believe she is who she says she is. Others are willing to go along with the pretending as they believe Marcus deserves some happiness. And this woman definitely appears to be brightening his life. In fact, an unexpected romance erupts and these two lonely souls find great solace and tenderness in each other. A second chance at happiness. But will it be upset by the townspeople’s superstitious beliefs and accusations?

I loved the ending—once I got past all the scary stuff! And getting to know Marcus a little more was beneficial. I gravitated to the new Luna and watched her come full circle as a stronger and more vibrant woman in control of her destiny. I highly recommend The Ravenswood Witch — an entertaining original read. Hats off to Jenni Keer for stirring up lots of hair-raising moments! My heart raced on more than one occasion. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the ARC.


Cindy L Spear