Review of 'Sheltered' by Melody Horrill

Review of 'Sheltered' by Melody Horrill

Release date: Sept 3rd, 2024

Publisher: Ultimo Press



I honestly don’t know where to begin to express the emotions this book raised in me. Except to say it provides a massive explosion to the heart. There is no way a person can read Sheltered and not be moved. The author writes of her experiences and those of others in such a way that you are placed immediately in the centre of these situations where you can relate on so many levels. Most of us have had a pet of some kind at least once in our lives (yes, there can be exceptions) and we know how they can lasso our hearts and never let go. When they are injured or pass away, it is the end of our worlds as we know it.

Animals can play a special part in our lives. We are not only to be their caretakers and protectors but in doing so we are rewarded by their unconditional love, companionship, comfort and any other emotional support we need. We can even gain courage and hope from our little furry or non-furry friends. I have personally had dogs, cats, horses and aquarium fish as pets. Nothing unusual but there are those who have had ferrets, rabbits, roos and other wild life as pets. Regardless whether rescued domesticated or wild ones, we can love them and learn from them.

People who have taken on rescued pets end up being helped by the pets they have chosen to care for— so in that respect the rescuer becomes rescued, too! There are so many moving stories shared in Sheltered that point this out. To single out one example is tough as they are all equally amazing. But the cover picture will be my choice. The beautiful dog you see there is called Frankie. If you look closely, you will notice she has one front leg. She was dumped in a box sitting on the grass in a Melbourne park until seen by a man and his granddaughter. When they peeked inside they saw a ‘shivering blonde puppy’. The man called the Lost Dog’s Home in Northern Melbourne and once the pup arrived at the facility and staff member Ruby Smith saw the dirty, matted golden retriever pup with a grossly deformed paw, she was moved deeply. When the little bundle was set on the floor, she surprised everyone. In spite of her poor condition, she started wagging her tail and bouncing around on three legs happy to see them. That’s pretty amazing. When Ruby looked into her eyes, she connected with the pup. Her thought was, “What a beautiful little creature.” Of course, this was the beginning of a new love affair for this physically damaged pup. Ruby took the pup into her heart and home and she received surgery for her deformed leg. Frankie’s resilient happy spirit throughout it all is so inspiring. The rest of the story is stunning but I won’t say more except please read this book!

Story after story like this will touch your heart and make you appreciate and look at the human-animal bond in a new way. And yes, some of the sad situations these animals came from will break you. But then the love of the rescuers will uplift and inspire you. As there are still some good people in this world who truly want to make a difference in animal’s lives. And the rewards for those who decide to travel that path of restoration—well, they are boundless. Not to mention, the healing works both ways.

I adored this collection of true stories. Everyone who loves animals needs a copy of Sheltered and if you are not a lover, it just might change your mind and inspire you to take a second look at the animal kingdom and its value to mental, physical and spiritual health. 5+ bursting hearts from me! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Huge thanks to Ultimo Press for this beautiful copy of Sheltered that will forever remain in my collection. I have been telling readers far and wide to get this book, too!

About the Author:

Melody Horrill is a journalist, former TV presenter and co-chair of the Jane Goodall Cetacean Committee. She is the author of a memoir A Dolphin Called Jock, a passionate animal and nature lover and advocate.

Visit Melody’s website to learn more about her:

Cindy L Spear