Review of 'The Promise of Tomorrow' by Samantha Tonge

Review of 'The Promise of Tomorrow' by Samantha Tonge

Release date: October 8th, 2024

Publisher: Boldwood Books



This is my first book by author Samantha Tonge and I would be keen to read more of her work. After scanning the premise in the publisher’s blurb, I was intrigued and thought it would be fun to dive into something a bit different. Without question, this is an unusual or original story that certainly kept me interested and turning the pages! There’s a bit of mystery, romance and life altering experiences related to the extreme sports. I can’t say I would have the courage to do some of the things mentioned like the deep dive bungee jump!

It is a novel about facing your fears. Learning to share what’s on your heart, too, so that you don’t carry some heavy burdens that could affect your life choices and experiences. I was eager to see the outcome and was satisfied with the results.

The chapters are divided between the two main characters Elena and Rory who share their viewpoint in telling the story. They are good friends who work together. Rory moves in with Elena when she offers him a room in her detached house while his apartment is being renovated. They get to know each other fairly well while being roommates and are quite comfortable in each other’s presence.

Elena’s life has been on hold due to an event that happened when she was ten years old. She is now approaching thirty in a few weeks. She has an unusual obsession. She is convinced she is going to die when she turns thirty at midnight. Why she believes this is quite an intriguing tale and the author slowly reveals all we need to know so we can understand her dilemma and sympathise with her. But it also makes us want to believe she will be okay and that her worst fears will not happen. In the meantime, while her hourglass is running out, we learn she wants to do everything she can that she has not tried before. This includes falling in love, taking a trip to Paris, participating in some extreme sports (sky diving, bungee jumping, etc). She is in sharp contrast to her friend Rory who she sees as being ‘brave, daring, living life spontaneously.’ She is now ‘more afraid of missing out’ of life than worrying about ‘things going wrong.’ It seems Rory rubs off on her and she begins taking risks—but not necessarily all good ones! He tries to help her see, though, it is good to try new things but she must listen to experienced extreme sports leaders and obey certain rules to be safe. She should not just throw ALL caution to the wind.

Rory’s reason for being so active is different from what she expected. He is not acting out of competitiveness but ‘chasing …a sense of being alive.’ Elena is ‘sick of being scared’ and risk assessing her every move. This drive takes her on a sometimes reckless journey but she begins to learn a lot about herself and eventually how to move forward.

The word ‘Promise’ noted in the title is an important clue to this plot. I won’t give anything away as it is important to learn of this woman’s reasons of why she is in this predicament by reading the story. I can say this: she made a promise to a stranger when she was ten and she has carried this secret/ mission / burden alone since then. Now that she is in the last months of her twenty-nineth year, she wants to make up for the fun she missed her whole life before she must face the outcome of her promise.

Rory is also a very complex person and I liked getting to know him and what makes him who he is. Little by little we learn of his family and what shaped his attitudes and led him to his ‘extreme’ interests and actions. There are some sad moments in his revelations but he has used them to his advantage to get the most out of life. He may appear spontaneous and carefree to Elena but he follows a strict form of rules to maintain safety in whatever he attempts. His movements are wise and controlled—even when he pushes boundaries. He has a respect for nature and his environment. Risk assessments are part of his activities.

These two discover a lot on their journey together, particularly in Paris, and their relationship takes on a new shape. I enjoyed watching Elena grow and it was a joyous moment when she trusts her dearest friend, Rory, with her secret. This is an uplifting story about friendship, facing and understanding the sources of your fears and having the courage to live, love and be open to the Promise of Tomorrow. 4 strong Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for a review copy.

Cindy L Spear