Review of 'Christmas at the Little Bookshop by the Sea' by Eliza J Scott

Review of 'Christmas at the Little Bookshop by the Sea' by Eliza J Scott

Release date: October 23, 2024

Publisher: Storm Publishing



What a lovely read! The festive season, the topic of books, authors and reading events made this story sparkle— so there was plenty to keep my interest! Not to mention mystery and romance. Christmas at the Little Bookshop by the Sea by Eliza J Scott is part of the Micklewick Bay series. Although I have not read the previous books, I was still able to enjoy the story as the author gives us a bit of background on some of the recurring characters and the community.

The two main leads Florrie and Ed inherited The Happy Hartes Bookshop (along with the gorgeous resident dog Gerty, a black Labrador!). This couple has worked hard at making the shop a success and currently are doing their best to dress up the place to create a festive Christmas atmosphere. But trouble lurks in the background with someone trying to force their hand at selling the shop. A few sabotage events occur that have them clambering to find the culprits, although they have someone in mind.

As for Florrie and Ed’s history: they have been together for eighteen months. Florrie has not really considered where their relationship might be heading but she knows she loves Ed and he makes her happy. Though she had one negative experience after they inherited the bookshop from Ed’s grandparents. But Ed obviously loves her and states she is the most amazing person he has ever met. She is thoughtful and caring of others. She has a big heart and does kind acts for her friends and family. This time she plans some fun activities for The Happy Christmas Memory Project. There are wonderful winter activities like making snowmen, taking a special horse sleigh ride, sledging (sledding), skating and, of course, tree trimming! These are well described, evoking memories of my own childhood when I was enthused by a black sky filling with the wonder of snowflakes. Those cold snowy nights always ushered in the spirit of Christmas as they do in this lovely novel.

As mentioned, there’s a little mystery connected to the bookshop and even Ed disappears for a short while. Plus there’s a dash of romance, too, author readings, a nasty villain, family and couple relationship issues and birth of a baby. These all add flavour to this colourful story that keeps rolling along at a steady pace. It was good to see family members and friends cheering each other on through their struggles. Plus, the joyful holiday activities mentioned make reading this story fun and uplifting.

By the close of Christmas at the Little Bookshop by the Sea, secrets are exposed, intentions are made clear and those behind sabotage events at the bookshop are revealed. Relationship challenges are worked out: one of which is between Ed and his father once communication lines are opened and useful knowledge is shared. Making the reason behind the contention understood and able to be rectified. And Florrie and Ed create some wonderful new memories with the promise of more ahead! This is a well written enjoyable Christmas story that is brimming with festive spirt. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for a review copy.

Cindy L Spear