Review of ‘The Baker's Secret’ by Lelita Baldock

Review of ‘The Baker's Secret’ by Lelita Baldock

Release date: January 25th, 2024

Published by: Storm Publishing




What a heart crushing novel of unspeakable horrors. It left me speechless due to the intensity of suffering the Latvian people experienced during WW2. And the heartbreak thereafter—the death of loved ones, the loss of many unable to locate or reconnect with family members who were scattered or fled to other countries to save their lives. These victims of war had no choices at all. Latvians were caught in the middle between two fierce enemies: the Soviets and the Nazis. Latvian men were forced to fight for both sides. So yes, against their will. The Baker’s Secret shows clearly the unfair demands on the Latvian people. (And those who resisted paid a great price.) The sacrifices they made at being forced to fight alongside their enemy were soul shattering. To be a soldier of such an army was a tough pill to swallow. It wreaked havoc: divided and separated families and friends. Many were on the run. Death and destruction followed their every step. And as for the Latvian Jews, countless were killed during Nazis occupation. It was a horrific period of history and Lelita Baldock gives us a clear bold view of this time through extensive research. But some of that includes her grandfather’s input who had a personal connection to the events. This valuable reservoir of experience gives this story a more realistic and poignant punch. The facts come alive on the page.  

This heart piercing story contains two timelines (1943 and 2018) and focuses on two Latvian sisters Zenta and Estere. They live in Riga. Their father is a baker. When the Nazis invade their home, most of their family are taken hostage. Estere begs her sister to take baby Aina and flee to safety. While her heart is bursting with sadness, Zenta decides she must leave to give her niece a chance of survival. She promises her sister she will care for and protect her daughter with hopes one day they will be reunited. But things go very wrong on the escape route. First Zenta becomes very ill and then Aina. Zenta must make a difficult choice that will change the course of their lives and the closeness she once shared with her sister.

Eventually Zenta is sent to Australia. And this part of the story is painful in parts as she not only tries to adjust to a foreign culture and landscape but becomes connected to a Latvian man who has a lot of psychological issues. She begins living and enduring another kind of war that puts her in harms way. And once again she is faced with impossible decisions.

In the second timeline of 2018, a person shows up in Australia from Zenta's past. Zenta decides she has carried her secrets long enough. These painful revelations will hurt some family members but Zenta wants to be free of the burden she has hidden.

This story is laced with opposing elements: fear and love, bondage and freedom, betrayal and loyalty. The strength of the human spirit to endure and survive the worst of events is evident but also it shows the other end of the spectrum, too. When one becomes so weary and worn down from the severe battles of trying to survive, they become drained of will and wisdom.

I was deeply moved by this story that is incredibly well-crafted. It took me to the locations and allowed me to follow every step and feel every emotion. The main ingredients of The Baker’s Secret are love and care. Thanks to Lelita for sharing her heart and family’s insight on the struggles of Latvia through this unforgettable novel. No question, it deserves 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for a review copy.



Cindy L Spear