Review of ‘Return to the Irish Boarding House’ by Sandy Taylor

Review of Return to the Irish Boarding House’ by Sandy Taylor

Release date: May 13th, 2024

Publisher: Bookouture



Oh my, what a wonderful heart-warming return to the Irish Boarding House! It was so uplifting to pick up where the original story left off; to learn what has developed and to become reacquainted with old faces and to meet new ones. This story blossoms with hope and healing. For this residence built by hands of love, attracts the wayward, wounded and disadvantaged and gives them a second chance. All thanks to the noble vision of one woman: Mary Kate.

This second and final instalment is quite soul stirring and made my heart ache on more than one occasion. It covers a number of circumstances of visitors in need who land at the red door of Mary Kate’s rescue home. I call it that because many of the girls and women who end up on her doorstep are coming from some horrific traumas and are met with love and acceptance from the moment they step across the threshold of this residence. It is truly a beacon of hope for the lost, anguished and afraid who need food, shelter, a tender hand and a non-judgemental listening ear.

Mary Kate, the owner, who inherited a fair sum of money in the past from a wealthy mother she never knew growing up (until towards the end of the woman’s life) put the funds to good use when she came across this dilapidated building. Many thought her mad taking on such a project. But the old building captured her heart and represented in many ways the souls of those who would find their way to her door one day. And like the building are transformed. Once she purchased it, with the help of many hands, she turned it into a magnificent boarding house for the less privileged. It was both visually and spiritually captivating. The red door is significant for two reasons: it stands out and can be seen easily but it also represents her grandfather’s red-letter days. Significant days of special memories or opportunities— of rainbows and miracles fuelled by hope when good things come after a soul perseveres and does not give up.

Mary Kate has a heart of gold and changes so many lives with her kindness. She even finds love in the first novel and marries the builder Sean who restored the boarding house with her. They have two happy married years together before the unimaginable happens. Now, alone, she is dealing with the grief of her loss, until her friend Moira encourages her to reopen the boarding house. Which she does and in doing so, reopens her heart and gives her life purpose again. What better way to soften your own suffering than to help others who are in even greater distress?

What follows is an update on those we met in the previous novel but also a stream of new faces and stories—each one quite heart breaking but uplifting when they meet Mary Kate and she puts her gifts to work again helping them. But she does not do it alone as she has amassed a blessed team of supporters who understand pain and what it is like to be lost and abandoned. They are a magnificent support group for each other. I won’t list names of favourites as there are too many to mention but anyone who has read the first book, should read this one—it won’t disappoint. And for those who have never read Sandy’s books, get these two and her previous ones and read them! They are beautiful Irish tales that will put a smile on your face and a new spring in your step! As for Return to the Irish Boarding House, it will restore your faith in human kindness and remind you there are still caring people in this world like Mary Kate and her friends. I loved this novel with its bold beliefs and Good Samaritan theme and was sad to read the last chapter (or Epilogue in this case) which brought many tears to my eyes. But it is a triumphant and fitting conclusion in many ways: at least, in a spiritual sense. 5 Heart filled stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for my review copy.

Cindy L Spear