Review of 'An Invitation to the Cottage by the Loch' by Kennedy Kerr

Review of 'An Invitation to the Cottage by the Loch' by Kennedy Kerr

Release date: May 28th, 2024

Publisher: Bookouture



When I started reading An Invitation to the Cottage by the Loch, I was so enthralled by the story I could not stop until I had turned the last page. I always connect with Kennedy Kerr’s stories and this one touched me deeply and brought tears to my eyes on more than one occasion. She always covers sensitive health concerns which are entirely relatable. Even if we have not experienced some of these topics she writes about, we know someone who has. Loch Cameron #5 explores what it is like to deal with the horrors of endometriosis and its severe solution of a hysterectomy. Of course, for anyone who has gone through the former, whatever relief they can get from the excruciating pain and other effects, is a welcomed treatment. But, this type of drastic medical action can also cause sadness as it means a woman will not being able to have children afterwards. For some, as in Deb’s case, it is not a big loss, but who knows if her feelings will change? Regardless, getting her life back pain free is the main focus. Kennedy handles the dealing of this disease with top respect and wisdom, and realistically covers both the physical and psychological trauma of it and after surgery.

But how does a man react to a woman who has just had this procedure? You’d hope with love and support. Because recovery can take a fair while as Deb found out. In the meantime, she needs to take care of herself and is unable to perform household and other personal tasks. Unfortunately, her partner makes light of her temporary limitations and loses patience very quickly. This situation certainly exposes the holes in their relationship. And his lack of understanding and hurtful comments become untenable. To the point, Deb decides she has had enough of the ill treatment, packs her bags and heads for the Highlands to take up an events job at Loch Cameron.

Everything begins to change while Deb is on the new job. She meets new people, including property developer Kyle who initially comes off in a negative way. Partly due to the treatment he receives from many of the villagers who are not happy with his building plans. But Deb strikes up a friendship with him that leads to heated sparks. An attraction is evident and she begins to feel things she never felt before. He is full of surprises, too. And as the plot thickens and unfolds, much is revealed.

It was wonderful to see some of the old faces from the previous books. Hal and Zelda, of course, play an important part in the story. And then there is dear old Gretchen who is always full of wisdom and humour.

Another important segment of the story is dealing with a parent who has kidney disease. My father had this so I can certainly relate to the fears and debilitating effects of yet another life altering condition. Deb’s mother suffers with this and the strict dialysis routine. Through it, we get to see the dynamics of the mother daughter relationship. Deb is very devoted and her concerns are genuine. She learned her fierce independence from her mother who brought her up as a single parent. Deb also had a grandmother whose life was quite hidden. But Deb’s mom gives her a diary that explains her grandmother’s challenges and she is shocked. For she lived in this village but was removed from her home and this caused psychological damage.

Sincere, kind Hal tries to make amends for what happened in the past, done by his ancestors (which he only just learned about through Deb’s discovery) and although he cannot turn back the clock and fix the damage, I think it is admirable he tries to help the future generations with his generous offerings.

This is a wonderful heart squeezing story that addresses many relationship, health, environmental and social issues that deserve to be noted. I loved all the characters past and present, the community quirks, the romantic gestures and blossoming unions, the attempt at restoration for past residents and welcoming of new ones like Deb who actually had a local connection through her grandmother. I was very happy with the ending. I also got the impression of a potential story coming for Deb’s grandmother’s brother! Regardless, this is an uplifting tale, beautifully told, tender and truthful, that captured my heart and filled my eyes with tears once again! 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for the ARC.

Cindy L Spear