Review of 'Love is for the Birds' by Diane Owens Prettyman

Review of 'Love is for the Birds' by Diane Owens Prettyman

Release date: October 8th, 2024

Publisher: She Writes Press



‘How do you define love? A good man is like a candy store…’ this is what Teddy’s mom once said.

Teddy returns to Bird Isle after a hurricane has hit the island and caused great devastation. The monumental loss is not only seen in the natural world but is reflected in Teddy’s personal life. She is dealing with a number of conflicts: including the passing of her mother and confusion about her current romantic relationship. Things are not quite as they should be. There’s no magic or fast beating heart moments. Then she meets Jack, a widower and owner of a barbeque restaurant. He is attempting to feed the hurricane survivors and those who have come to help rebuild the town.

There is another a character of significance in this story: a dog. Teddy is given this frightened lost animal to care for that may have lost her owner and home in the hurricane. Teddy becomes quite attached to Pickles (a name she has given the rescued pet) for she is a great source of comfort during this difficult time. Teddy checks various places to see if someone has listed the lost dog but she is unable to find out where Pickles has come from. Until after a strong attachment and bond have been established between these two. But Jack eventually discovers who is missing this precious pooch and it is quite a heart tugging moment. But how will Teddy handle this new information? Will she give up Pickles when the time comes to return her to the rightful owner? 

As Teddy gets to know Jack, she starts to appreciate and like him a great deal. They get along well and she begins to wonder what life would be like with him by her side always. Their friendship helps her understand what’s missing in her previous relationship. This allows her to make a much needed decision and where she needs to be. Plus the next step to a happier, healthier life. Which includes rebuilding Sweet Somethings, her mother’s candy store that was smashed by the hurricane. Maybe returning to the island permanently is a good thing for her just now?

The novel is filled with wit and humour: gentle banter that keeps the text lively and light hearted giving it contrast to the struggles and devastation that surround them from the hurricane. Nature has shown its merciless side but there is splendour reflected in the island’s profound beauty when at peace. And the wonderful spirit of the people that make up the community: how they come together to help each other is inspiring. There’s interesting info about the whooping cranes on Bird Isle, too. As hurricanes cause great devastation not only to human residences but also to the habitat of wildlife.

This is a novel about dealing with grief, loss and cutting bad ties, but also fresh starts, new love and the rise of community spirit during natural disasters. The courage to rebuild and maintain hope shines across its pages. Lost things, people and pets become found. It also covers the preservation and resurgence of the natural world and its inhabitants: wild and domesticated. It reminds us of the importance of finding your place in the right setting with the right people. This is a well written story that will make you smile, cry, giggle and sigh. And appreciate both the little and big things of life that we often take for granted. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to the publisher She Writes Press and Netgalley for the ARC.



Cindy L Spear