Review of 'Hope Blooms in Tuppenny Bridge' by Sharon Booth

Review of 'Hope Blooms in Tuppenny Bridge' by Sharon Booth

Release date: October 18th, 2024

Publisher: Storm Publishing



Wow! What an emotional and triumphant conclusion to the charming and thoughtful Tuppenny Bridge Series. I have enjoyed each and every book from start to finish. And Hope Blooms in Tuppeny Bridge is just as powerful and moving as all the others. Possibly even more so as certain threads are tidied up and questions laid to rest that carried over in the series. The full arc of a central plot based around a young man who tragically lost his life is rendered and completed in this last book. The pieces of the puzzle are arranged so that all the smaller details come together to provide the big picture allowing us to understand what happened and gain insight on all the people involved. When the remainder of the secrets are revealed, there are some shocking discoveries. As part of this, relationship abuse is also exposed. There is a lot packed in the finale: including getting reacquainted with many of the repeat characters we have come to know and love throughout the series.

This story is told from two viewpoints: newcomer Daisy Jackson and long-term resident Noah Lavender. It was helpful to get inside their thoughts and understand their movements, decisions, fears and concerns.

Daisy owns The Crafty Cook Café. She delivers some mouth-watering treats like her delicious chocolate caramel cakes—a kind of therapy for her and others. She is a sweet person with a big heart who has had her fair share of trauma in the past which is possibly why she recognises the signs in others. But she has found her place in Tuppenny Bridge and when not spreading kindness with her delightful café food and drinks, she enjoys taking long hikes in the Yorkshire Dales through wildflower meadows. It is while on one of these walks she meets Noah Lavender, a kind and gentle man, who is the local headmaster. They are ‘kindred souls’ and their connection far deeper than initially realised. As a result of many shared interests, they spend time together as friends hiking and chatting about their lives but tongues begin to wag. Although Noah is married to Isobel, it is a very unhappy and difficult marriage. And over the course of the novel, the tragedy that surrounds this couple unfolds. Daisy becomes an incredible support and lifeline once his secrets are revealed. I was quite moved by her advice and actions and reactions. Daisy and Noah’s special friendship is well portrayed but danger lurks in more areas than one.

This novel contains many romantic and happy elements but this is not a light and airy story because it delves into more serious relationship territory: abuse—both physical and verbal. The author handles this remarkably well and shows us through certain characters how people often deal with this kind of cruelty. I can say no more as I do not want to give anything away but I recommend this novel, along with the whole series. I am sad to say goodbye to these wonderful characters but happy with the conclusion and look forward to whatever Ms. Booth delivers in the future. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC.



Cindy L Spear