Review of ‘All Manner of Things’ by Wendy J. Dunn! Due out January 15, 2021!

Review of Wendy J. Dunn’s All Manner of Things - released on January 15, 2021!

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This is a thoroughly convincing read by a highly accomplished Tudor expert. All Manner of Things by Dr. Wendy J. Dunn opens with a powerful Prologue that sets the scene in such vivid detail we feel we are sitting in the same room as Maria as she writes her letter of truth to her daughter, Catalina/Katherine named after her beloved queen, friend and cousin.

The whole novel presents itself this way. We are not casual passengers, remote onlookers, but vigilant interested participants in a story that has become real through Wendy's skilful delivery. Wendy takes us into that world of deceit, grief, glory, harshness and bravery. The Tudor domain was a difficult realm for women as the liberties of today were non-existent. Also, women were blamed for not bearing sons, particularly a cruel accusation for royals. Giving birth, itself, was a challenge. Without modern medical advancements, deaths were high in child and mother. Miscarriages were also heartbreaking occurrences and we agonise over the fact that Katherine of Aragon’s history during her marriage to King Henry VIII was filled with these numerous losses.

We learn much of these events through Maria, friend and cousin of Katherine. Maria’s life is so intertwined with Katherine’s – their pain is shared and shown together with great kindness and care by Wendy. Maria is devout in serving her queen until she dies.

Maria’s life itself is a fascinating one and it is a clever approach to have her write a letter to her daughter to explain her life and how she came to her lot. Her grief has been a burden she wishes to unload and she desires to explain to her daughter, her life’s journey. The letter’s purpose to ‘make the daughter understand the little power women have over their lives’ is pure and passionate.

Rather than reveal more about this novel, I recommend every interested person in Tudor history to get their own copy January 15, ’21 and embark on your own journey with these courageous women from the past. You will enjoy the historical accuracy but even more you will experience first-hand the power of friendship, faith and love. The novel is sprinkled with letters, poems, sonnets and songs to help broaden the journey and shed light on the truth but these creative expressions will pull you in to the emotional side of the story where you will cry, smile, wince, sigh. I highly recommend this heart felt, literary epic. Like the ancient bells tolling from the past, this novel will ring through the centuries. Five stars. ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️ ⭐️

Cindy L Spear