Will We Ever Return


We live in difficult times. First the raging fires here in Australia and now a pandemic.

My daughter and I were crossing the street and an elderly man stopped and asked if we knew where to get toilet paper. I told him of a recent delivery and he went on his way.

I was sitting on a bench and a mid-aged lady stopped and began telling me she was afraid of losing her money in the bank. I tried to calm her by listening to her concerns.

I came across a web-page that had a photo of an elderly lady standing in front of empty shelves at the grocery store and she was weeping. Many people responded with messages that they would have gladly helped her.

There have been acts of kindness out on the streets and in the shops. But there have been even more acts of fear than anything. And fear is more deadly than the virus for it breeds distrust and greed. It has compelled buyers to empty shelves and take more than they need, leaving nothing for those who are truly depleted.

What is the solution? We need to get back to the garden we once knew where love and kindness grow. Instead of fear, we need faith. This does not mean being careless or not taking precautions to prevent spreading the virus and it does not mean it is wrong to have a few cans of soup in the cupboard but excess / panic buying will only take away everyone’s fair share.

This is a time for charity and offering a helping hand. There are different things we can do. My daughter brought home a couple notices from church to hand out that said:

“Hello! If you are self-isolating due to COVID-19, I can help with:

  • Picking up shopping

  • A friendly phone call

  • Posting mail

  • Urgent Supplies

To the helper it also includes a reminder:

Coronavirus is contagious and to take precautions to ensure you are only spreading kindness. Avoid physical contact (2 m distance). Wash your hands regularly. Items should be left on your doorstep.”

These simple acts of kindness are a few pleasant things you can do. And leave a few extra items out of your shopping cart that you don’t really need!

Stay home, stay safe and give someone a call who may need cheering during isolation.

Write a story, play a song, read books, watch a good movie. There are so many things we can do to help us through this period of uncertainty.

We need to be positive through this turmoil as together in unity we can survive this nightmare. It will keep us happier and healthier and our immune systems will thank us for it! For a positive attitude will help us fight any deadly thing that comes our way. For take away hope, then we are left with despair and that leaves us vulnerable.

Here is a good phrase from Napoleon about the negative effects of fear:
He who fears being conquered is sure of defeat.

We should think more like Eleanor Roosevelt when she said:
You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself. "I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along."

Below is a song with my lyrics on Colin Mold’s CD - Now You See Me. Poets John Milton and William Blake, authors C.S. Lewis and J. R. R. Tolkien and sculptor/artist Michelangelo are just a few of the greats that inspired my words. It asks many questions but will give you much to ponder while you self-isolate at home.


Verse 1

A sword looms high above us

We are bending from the light

A scarlet moon is rising

And blinding now our sight

Eclipsing of the two worlds

Can only demonstrate

The war within our psyche

Will never hesitate.


Will we ever return~

Will we ever come back

To the garden we once knew

To the paradise we left

Can we ever recover

From the damage to our souls

Are we left here in this wasteland

With nowhere else to go?

Verse 2

There’s a giant winged creature

Standing on the crystal wall

He guards the secret entrance

Consequences from the fall

He looks at our iniquity

His face is marked with pain

The sadness of a fallen world

Has left its bitter stain


Where’s our sweet redemption

What’s our Saviour’s plan

Must the lion run with hunger

And be the enemy of the lamb?

When will this be over

When will love’s reign begin

The agony and ecstasy

Between angels and men.

2nd chorus:

Will we ever return~

Will we ever come back

To the garden we once knew

To the paradise we left

Can we ever be free

From this chaos in our minds

Will the balance be restored

Outside the realm of time.

Lyrics by : Cindy L Spear copyright 2011

Music & vocals: Colin Mold copyright 2011

Cindy L Spear