Believe - Saint George & the Dragon (Value of Stories)

Raphael’s Painting of Saint George and the Dragon 1504-1506

Raphael’s Painting of Saint George and the Dragon 1504-1506

Story telling is vital to every culture. Who doesn’t like a great story-- whether reading, listening or watching? We begin our lives listening to our parents, grandparents or other loved ones reading or telling us stories to put us to sleep, to calm us, to encourage us, to teach us and to inspire us. As we begin to read for ourselves, this love of stories keeps us up at night turning the pages of books that have captured our attention! As we grow, we want books for Christmas, birthdays and other events important to us.

Stories come in many shapes, sizes and genres. They can even be myths, legends or folktales. Stories in all forms carry special meaning and sometimes are therapeutic in helping us figure out life or how to deal with what comes our way. They may even allow us to ‘escape’ into another realm, world or scenario so that we may look through a character’s eyes and feel his/her emotions and experiences. Stories can teach us the importance of being ourselves but also enlighten and motivate us to greater heights. 

Historical novels are my favourite to read and write, where the plot takes place somewhere in the past with notable historical figures. The story begins with some facts and then a writer’s imagination takes off and he/she supposes how these people felt or what they did. The author explores how they may have reacted or responded in their environment and sometimes creatively fills in the missing spaces.

Stories often inspire me to create another story, poem or song lyric. I am also moved by events and people—historical and current. I put myself in the shoes of those who walked before me.

Saint George and the Dragon is known to be a legend that began with some truths and over time evolved. It is a story that inspired me to write a lyric that has been put to music by UK musician-composer Robert Gerrard.

Saint George is the patron saint of England (and many other places) and represents English ideals of chivalry. The supposed facts of the real George state he was born in a city in present day Turkey to Christian parents, 3rd Century AD. He later lived in Palestine, became a Roman soldier but protested against Rome’s persecution of Christians and was imprisoned, tortured and beheaded for his beliefs.

George’s life has become so enshrouded in myth and legend, it is difficult to know what is fact or fiction. Some even believe he never existed. But the version of his life where he slays a dragon is from The Golden Legend. It has been said that tales of his valiance and bravery were brought back by the Crusaders who learned of him in the Middle Ages. In this rendition George is a knight and was born in Cappodocia (Turkey) and came to Silene (province of Libya) where there was a pond like a sea and a dragon that terrorised the city nearby. Of course, dragons are fairy-tale characters but George saves the King’s daughter from becoming the next sacrifice.

Even though George is not from England, according to Ian Mortimer a patron saint does not need to be born in the country they are revered; they only need to embody the ideals the kingdom/country want to show the rest of the world. “St George stands for the courage to face adversity in order to defend the innocent. The triumph of good over evil, through courage.”

The wonderful thing about this legend and all other stories, is that it proves there are no limits with the imagination—and that a world the author creates for his/her readers is one of great value. Everyone loves a hero and Saint George is the hero embodying a set of spiritual beliefs of bravery, courage and honour.

Enjoy this song “Believe” inspired by the legend of Saint George and the Dragon. Lyrics by me and music and vocals by the talented Robert Gerrard from the UK.

Believe (St. George and the Dragon)


The white snow falls upon the land

The quiet time before the war

The moon reveals when he’ll appear

Lined up against the sky’s dark wall


The armies pause for certain light

The holy war of flesh and blood

The meeting of the cross and dragon

An old knight braces for the fight



Believe, believe and you will see

With courage, chivalry and faith

That bravery can still be found

Within each one to win the race


The trumpet blows across the tide 

The arrow flies to set the mark

The motion of the flying hooves 

Begin to brace against the storm


A princess waits beneath the flames

To see a spear take down the beast

Out from the darkness George appears

With one thought only to defeat



Believe, believe and you will see

With courage, chivalry and faith

That bravery can still be found

Within each one to win the race



And though this tale is old, it’s wise

For everyday we’re fighting lies

So find that sword and shield to stand

Against the evils of the land


And though he splinters once his spear

Against the dragon’s golden plates

He prays for courage to endure

Through silent strength to face his fate


The orange tree shades George from harm

The poison split his suit apart

He draws the mighty Ascalon

To pierce the dragon through its evil heart



Believe, believe and you will see

With courage, chivalry and faith

That bravery can still be found

Within each one to win the race


Lyrics: Cindy L Spear (copyright 2012)

Music: Robert Gerrard (copyright 2014)




Cindy L Spear