Interview with Lisa Van Der Wielen - Author of Rosie

Interview with Lisa Van Der Wielen - Author of Rosie

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About the author:

Lisa Van Der Wielen is an Author from Perth, Western Australia. She is a writer of poetry, children's books, chapter books and novels. She is an enthusiastic Educator and a Mum of two amazing daughters. She is passionate about working with children and have always had a love for writing.


Welcome, Lisa! Please tell us what inspired you to write Rosie

Rosie is based on my toy poodle Rosie who is now 8 years old.  She is so clever and intuitive and a much loved member of our family.  Rosie gets up to a lot of mischief at times and she makes us laugh.  I thought she was deserving of her own book series. I do believe that dogs teach us so much and are great teachers for children.  I was inspired to write the Rosie series as a funny, cute and educational book series that children will love reading.

What age group is Rosie for and how many books do you have planned for the series?

Rosie is targeted at children aged 6-10 years.  I aim on writing at least 10 books in the series but I may write more depending on how well the series goes.

What do you hope children learn from reading Rosie? Any important life lessons, values, themes or messages you hope to impart?

I think dogs teach us so many important life lessons.  They are the most loyal and loving creatures and I hope children learn about these important life virtues through the book.  Most importantly though, as the series is written from the first person perspective of Rosie, she is very honest and open with her thoughts and feelings. So my hope is that children will learn how important it is to know and express different feelings so we can understand ourselves. Each book will have an educational message with free downloadable teaching resources for teachers, parents and children.  Book 1 is about composting and green waste education. 

Children’s books often have illustrations to help with the story-telling. You have done your own illustrations. Tell us about how that came to be? Was it difficult to do?

This is the first of my published books that I have illustrated myself. I have been learning to use Procreate and still have a lot to learn! I set a challenge to myself to learn how to draw using Procreate because I am creative and I do like drawing and painting but often don’t think I am good enough to publish my work. I have so many book ideas, so being able to illustrate books myself is going to help me get them out to the world sooner. Just like writing, there is so much to learn with illustrating.  I think it is like anything, the more you do it and are passionate about it, the better you get.  

Writing fiction for any age comes with its challenges. But are there any specific ones you faced when writing for children, such as language or content appropriateness?

I think it is getting harder and harder for writer’s to be politically correct and to be able to tell a story without worrying about who they might offend.  More and more stories are becoming banned, which I think is sad. Being a teacher helps me be in touch with appropriate language for writing and content appropriateness, so it hasn’t been too difficult for me to write stories for children.

What inspired you to become a children’s author and how did you get started? Any special courses, teachers, authors or books that motivated or encouraged you?

I always wanted to be an Author and write my own books.   As a teacher, I read a lot of children’s books and there have been times I was looking for books on certain topics and couldn’t find them.  It sparked ideas for me to write books myself for children using those ideas.  It wasn’t until I went through difficult times in my own life with chronic health issues, that I found the importance of going back to doing things I loved doing. Writing was one of those things.  I am a creative soul, so I realised how important it was for me to be creative and to put my creativity to good use.  I was born with congenital heart disease, along with many other health issues.  When my daughters were born with the same issues and spent lots of time at the children’s hospital, I was inspired to write children’s books for children’s charities. It gave me motivation and purpose to give back.  Three of my books, I have written for children’ charities and I am proud to support Perth Children’s Hospital, Ronald McDonald House Perth and Hearts Kids WA.

I love to write about dogs, as they are my favourite animal and I believe children relate well to dogs in stories. All my children’s books have a dog character in them!

Tell us about your writing process? Do you plan everything out, write the story as you go or do a bit of both?

I am often inspired to write a book on a topic at the most inconvenient times.  I often wake up in the middle of the night with an idea and write the notes on my phone. I then like to brainstorm and plan ideas out on paper and then start typing away on the computer.  I think I need to write when I am inspired as creativity doesn’t always flow freely. So I have to just go with the inspiration. I can write a story fairly quickly when I am in the zone.  My Aqua Dog books I wrote in a day!

Name a few positive effects that literature plays in enriching children’s lives?

I think reading and literature is imperative to a child’s imagination and hope.  Growing up, I developed a love for literature and reading from Roald Dahl books.  I absolutely loved his stories as they were funny and imaginative with a lovely moral. He is still my favourite Author, along with my favourite book Tuesdays with Morrie by Mitch Albom.  I believe literature can help shape us and who we become.  I think in today’s world full of technology, we face challenges of getting literature to enrich a child’s life because not many are reading books like they used to.  Devices have taken over our lives! I believe libraries are the centre of a school and community libraries the centre of the community. It is sad to see many libraries disappearing. My father would take me to the library every week, as this is where I developed my love for literature.  I hold hope that as people realise that as much as technology has brought the world together, it has made many of us feel more alone than ever.  Mental Health issues across the world are the highest they have ever been, including in children. It is through books and personal stories that people feel connected, so I believe literature is the key to enriching children’s lives for the positive.

What other books have you written for children? Feel free to name them and add a comment about each.

Here is a list of my published books so far:

Vegetarian Polony 

The animals discover why pigs are on the farm and set about to create a vegetarian polony.

Luna Lucy 

An educational story about a girl called Lucy and her dog Neptune who learn about the phases of the moon.

Aqua Dog

An educational and moving story about a farmer and his dog who encounter a flood on the farm.

The Life of Gus

A story about the life of Gus, the resident dog at Ronald McDonald House Perth. All proceeds go to RMHCWA.

Luna Lucy and the Planets

Book 2 in the Luna Lucy series, Lucy and her dog Neptune learn all about the planets in the solar system.

Aqua Dog Flames

Book 2 in the series, Aqua and the farmer encounter a bush fire on the farm. 


A book for Heart Kids Australia about a little boy and a stray dog who have matching scars. All proceeds go to HeartKids Australia.

Dear Universe

A young adult fiction novel about a girl who writes to the universe for all these years and finally learns to listen to the signs the universe presents.


Book 1 in the Rosie series. A funny and educational story about a toy poodle called Rosie who learns all about greenwaste and composting.

I have recently had a poem published in the Right Way Down poetry book by Fremantle Press and Alphabet Soup Books.

Can you share a little about any upcoming book projects you are creating?

I have two books that are close to publishing. Luna Lucy & the Stars is book 3 in the Luna Lucy book series and is currently being illustrated by Joseph Hopkins in the UK. It is about the stars and constellations. 

I have a book called Cristy Creates which is very close to publishing. The illustrations have just been completed by Anne Farrell and they look absolutely amazing. We are up to getting the images photographed for digital files. It has been illustrated with collage as the book is all about a girl who loves creating things.  She has a dog Charlie who is the inspiration behind her inventions. I am so excited for this book to launch to the world!

Thank you Lisa for being my guest author today! And I wish you much success on the release of your new children’s book.

Drop by Lisa’s website to learn more about her books, read her blog, contact her and sign up for her newsletter! She has some wonderful information on there.


Cindy L Spear