Review of 'When The World Fell Silent' by Donna Jones Alward

Review of 'When The World Fell Silent' by Donna Jones Alward

Release date: July 19th, 2024

Publisher: One More Chapter




On the sixth day of December in 1917, three years after the First World War had been underway, Halifax a busy wartime port, witnessed a major catastrophe that changed countless lives forever. The French cargo ship SS Mont-Blanc carrying explosives (which many were not aware of) collided with the Norwegian vessel SS Imo carrying emergency supplies in the Halifax harbour. The Mont-Blanc, a munitions ship caught fire, and then drifted towards a busy residential area and near the sugar refinery where many worked. The devastation it caused when it blew up was monumental. There were those close to the edges who died instantly. But there were people in their homes looking out on the scene that were blasted with glass from their windows. Close to 2000 people died and at least 9000 were injured when it flattened 2.5 square miles of the city. The blast created a tsunami so great it flooded three blocks of the city. Soon, the hospitals and morgues were flooded with the severely injured and dead. It was a shocking event that shook the city and world and one that inspired Author Donna Jones Alward to write this heart-wrenching story.

Donna has given us a front row seat by creating detailed descriptions, a riveting plot and memorable characters who could have worked at the hospital, at the refinery or lived near the harbour. It started as just another normal day with some people out for a stroll (as in Nora’s family’s case).

When the World Fell Silent is a magnificent tribute to the lives of those who were part of this horrific event in 1917 that occurred in Halifax harbour. Even though I know the modern day version of this landscape quite well, I truly felt transported back in time to this location by the atmospheric descriptions. Ms Alward paints a vivid picture of what it must have been like to have experienced the explosion and for those who worked tirelessly to save, search for and treat the wounded and to collect the dead. This was such a heartbreaking event and the author covers it with such sensitivity and insight. I could not put this story down, even to eat, as I was mesmerised and wondered what was going to happen to the characters that I came to admire and appreciate. The scenes flowed flawlessly from one to the next without missing a heartbeat. I was also effortlessly moved back and forth from two main character viewpoints of Nora and Charlotte. The pacing was perfect, the scenery and dialogue spot on. The experience was like watching a movie.

It is appropriate that our main character Nora is a Lieutenant who works as a nurse out of Halifax, Nova Scotia. She truly loves her job working in the Canadian Nursing Corp and feels most at home tending to the sick and injured. She does not want to settle down or get married like her sister, for it means she will have to give up what she loves (for in those days women were not ‘allowed’ to work when married). But the war has a way of forcing individuals, cultural beliefs and systems to change and pushes them into directions that were never planned. And when the effects of the explosion are felt so close to home and by all who Nora loved, she is challenged like never before.

But Nora is not alone in this battle. She is joined by a handsome doctor— Captain Neil McLeod who takes great interest in her professional abilities and in the determined independent person she has become. He offers his assistance during the terrible disaster that occurs and becomes a pillar of strength, a great source of encouragement and a gentle abiding friend for Nora who sees very quickly he is a caring and kind gentleman who respects her. But does he want more than just friendship? And if he does, will Nora surrender her heart to him? She has been badly burned in a relationship that has left her in a difficult position. Can she trust another with her heart? When he guesses her secret and is not phased by what he learns, she cannot believe it. So she continues to put up walls and refuses to see certain things. He seems too good to be true: a non-judgemental, extremely understanding, patient man! But the author lets us know he is human with his own secrets and foibles. But those moments when we see his weaknesses are rare. He is a man any woman would want by her side. He is genuine, generous and long suffering. When the explosion occurs that sends shockwaves across the city and upends countless lives, Neil helps Nora, her friends and family and all those who come through the hospital doors. He selflessly and tirelessly works hard to make a difference. I adore Captain Dr Neil McLeod and think of him as a perfect hero match for our heroine Nora. Will she overcome her fears and see the great love she has is in front of her?

We also meet another woman Charlotte who tells her story as well. She is affected tragically by the blast. Her loss and grief are soul shattering. Her husband first dies in combat in the war. Her situation is dire from the start for she is living with her not so nice in-laws with her baby daughter and planning an escape. It is very difficult to talk about her part in the story without giving away the plot so I won’t say anymore. Except her path crosses with Nora’s and these scenes are incredibly powerful. It drew out of me a lot of compassion at this woman’s plight. By the end, I cheered her courage.

This is a richly textured novel at all levels. Emotionally charged from page one. My heart became heavily invested in the characters and the tragedies they faced. There are so many wonderful aspects to this story that I could rave on forever. But space does not allow so do yourselves a favour and get this masterpiece. I say this with a sincere heart, this is possibly the most impressive war story I have read this year, and that says a lot as I have read some amazing ones. I would give this more than 5 stars if the system allowed as it is out-of-this world exceptional. Unforgettable profound historical fiction. 5 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+

Thanks to the author, publisher One More Chapter and Netgalley for the ARC.

Cindy L Spear