Review of 'The Resistance Sisters' by Anna Stuart

Review of 'The Resistance Sisters' by Anna Stuart

Release date: Aug. 19th, 2024

Publisher: Bookouture



Anna Stuart once again has hit a home run with another gut-wrenching WW2 story that captured my heart, portrayed engaging fictional characters and a believable plot based on real history. This time The Resistance Sisters focuses on an important point in Polish history: the Warsaw Uprising. By writing the story around a continual or progressive timeline, it works so much better than if it had been divided into a dual timeslip. It keeps the reader in the thick of the events and emotionally charged. It also allows the multiple perspectives to work extremely well as we get a view of what is happening from various angles and can experience the emotional traumas up close.

The novel opens with an intensely jarring Prologue. Sisters Hana, Zuzi and Orla are forced to watch the hanging of their father by the Nazis. So, we know right at the start, this will be a story on revenge. Everything the daughters and son, Jacob, do throughout the novel is motivated by the love for their father and avenging his horrible, unfair death. Kaczper Dabrowski was an exceptional baker and optimistic town councillor with great love and plans for his city. But he is tried for treason by the enemy occupier. Even on the brink of his death, he sends positive words to his children and wife to never give up. To live, love and fight. This is very representative of the Poles whose spirits have never been broken by their occupiers. Even by the Nazis who tried to ‘kill everyone of any intellectual, cultural or political influence in Poland’s captured capital.’ For the Poles have always resisted.

The Warsaw Uprising is told through the three sisters, Hana, Zuzi and Orla. We are taken on each of their personal journeys. We see them grow and act through horrific times. Feel their tears, see the devastation through their eyes. The author’s writing skills certainly made me feel as if I was standing in each of the character’s shoes. The novel not only provides amazing accuracy of the historical event but by putting fictional people in this setting, it brings history to life. For then the reader can imagine what it might have been like for the Poles: the difficulties, the sacrifices, the fear, the rare moments of victory. How they kept ploughing forward, together, even when the odds were against them. By also inserting some romantic elements into the sisters’ journeys, it adds realism as people tried to continue their lives with normal activities. My heart, though, was in my mouth more than once when certain beloved characters are injured, face death or become missing in action. I cared about and cheered for the daughters and the men they loved. Yes, I became emotionally invested and affected by their personal and romantic battles!

There are so many wonderful things about this exceptional story I could rave about, but I want to encourage lovers of Historical Fiction to put this on their must-read list. The Resistance Sisters is finely crafted and researched and provides an exceptional history lesson. I learned a lot and was moved by the suffering of these people. One major fact hit my heart hard. How they waited for the allies to save them and yet nobody came. The discouragement they could have felt would have been soul destroying. But many did not just sit and wait. They banned together as a community and stayed active in fighting back. This is how they kept hope alive in their hearts and maintained some sanity. These people were courageous on an epic level.

The Resistance Sisters is a real testament to those who stood up and dared to act. It reminded me of the power in unity. These people worked together and rose above the despair that could easily have overtaken them. They exhibited true bravery whilst dealing with poor living conditions, supply handicaps and unsafe zones—just to name a few obstacles. Not to mention enemies lurking in the sky and on the ground. Children, grandparents, mothers, fathers, fiancées and fiancés all tried to make a difference as they fought for the home they loved. Anna Stuart has painted an exceptional picture with her words that truly honours these resilient people of the past.  5 Valiant Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for the ARC.


Cindy L Spear