Review of 'The Paris Daughter' by Soraya Lane

Review of 'The Paris Daughter' by Soraya Lane

Release date: Sept 16th, 2024

Publisher: Bookouture




I absolutely loved The Paris Daughter ! This beautifully written, mesmerising dual timeline captivated me from the first page. I could not set it down until I finished reading it. And then I did not want it to end! I became totally immersed in the plotlines and emotionally invested in the characters to the point the outside world evaporated. Time sped by unnoticed while I followed Evelina and Blake through their journeys of secrets, discoveries, heartbreak, dreams and talent.

I adore dual timelines set in Paris and ones that include historical fashion designers. And this one had it all. I was hooked, reeled in and caught by Ms. Lane’s spellbinding mystery. Her writing is powerful and moving and the story flowed perfectly at the right pace. No wasted words, no lagging behind or rushed experiences. Dreamy, full sensory descriptions transported me to Paris. And the characters were so well drawn it seemed they could step off the page into the real world at any moment. They felt like friends I did not want to say good-bye to in this lifetime. I cared greatly about their dilemmas and outcomes and experienced their highs and lows through the rich and smoothly delivered text.  My emotional heart certainly got a work out!

Hope House was a wonderful part of this story in how one woman’s kindness saved and helped so many women who fell pregnant who were robbed of choices or support. Even the hospitals in the 30s and 40s did not provide the comfort these women needed. But kindness oozed from this good Samaritan lady who knew what it was like to be abandoned and treated unfairly by others. This is a very uplifting part of the story.

When Evelina becomes the first woman to enter Hope House, the owner does not know she is a famous designer. Regardless, she is treated with respect and made to feel welcome and safe. And is not pressured to make a decision of whether to keep the baby or put he/she up for adoption. I got a real sense of how difficult it would have been for these women to be at such a crossroad. I liked the idea of the box with a couple special memorable items as a parting gift from the mother to their child. A tangible way to say good bye. But leaving the door open for a future encounter. A link to the past— in case one day he/she might seek out the birth mother or want to know more about her. Evelina being a fashion/dress designer, chooses for her box very appropriate items. It is this drawing and piece of material that remains that touches her great granddaughter and allows her to reach out and learn about this woman who is part of her own DNA. So, in fact, it serves its purpose well.

Blake’s idea to write about her experience goes over extremely well with her boss for the digital magazine. This sends her on a trip to Paris to uncover clues about her great grandmother. In doing so, it also re-awakens her own artistic talent in dress designing (obviously an inherited talent). In Paris, she rediscovers herself, finds love and a new direction whilst seeking out information on her great grandmother for the feature article segment. One of the people who helps her uncover clues about Evelina is Henri which leads to a giant surprise when he takes her to his family’s home. Where even more of her dreams are activated.

In the historical timeline we follow Evelina’s life from leaving her controlling father, to pursuing her dream in Paris, the men she falls in love with and the heartbreak she endures. The story explores the tragic truth of male dominance in the fashion industry and how talented female designers (like Evelina) created the designs but got no credit because a male designer put his name on the label. The author uses this information well to paint a picture of frustration and injustice. Coco Chanel is mentioned as being an exception to the rule as she built her own empire and was an inspiration to many women designers.

This is a captivating story filled with secrets, power, courage and love. It not only shows the importance of following your dreams but also sometimes the cost. Yet it is still important to be true to yourself. Blake goes on a mission to Paris for a job that has a personal connection. She not only gets the inspiration for her story but also finds the missing pieces of her life. I totally recommend this gorgeous, uplifting and transforming novel. One of the most enjoyable reads this year. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

 Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for the review copy.

Cindy L Spear