Review of 'The Last Trace' by Petronella McGovern

Review of 'The Last Trace' by Petronella McGovern

Release date: July 2, 2024

Publisher: Allen & Unwin



The premise of The Last Trace is quite a frightening study into what it would be like if you had a memory problem from black outs and could not remember what you did the night before. And what if during those black outs you actually may have murdered someone? It is a scary thought: especially for people who would not consider themselves capable of such an act. This novel delves into the psychological effects and implications of such a condition.

The Last Trace is also a story about a close knit family and their importance to each other. But when the cracks appear, and they will, when under the gun, there will be conflicts, surprises and secrets before solutions are rendered. More than one member has memory problems. Their mother suffers from dementia, but Lachy has a serious memory problem that comes and goes. There are big gaps in his memory that make him question his connection to a hit and run, a missing woman and a DNA request. What does this all mean? His mind is riddled with fear as a result. He is blanketed with accusations from himself. Could he have done such acts of violence and cowardice? There are a lot of clues and truths to unpack. He needs to get to the bottom of it all but who can he trust? Those closest to him like his family? And if he shares his secrets, what will they do with what they learn? Will they turn him in?

Lachy has returned home from overseas and is now living in the Snowy Mountain region with his son Kai, who knows he has some mental issues and not coping with his job. When they are sitting in a restaurant and a newspaper story is mentioned that paints Lachy as a hero for saving a local fellow, it startles him to know he cannot remember anything about this event.

Lachy’s sister Sheridan is planning to join the family for Easter with her husband and two young daughters. We get her perspective on the family, as well as Kai’s who wants to talk to his sister about his father’s issues. They have lost their father and as mentioned their mother is suffering from dementia. They come together for an Easter reunion. But things don’t go well. For the past manages to catch up when a near tragedy occurs that sends them to the hospital on Good Friday. The experience sends them reeling in the revelation of one family member’s activities that overshadows another.

But with all that is happening at home, bigger issues are pressing in on Lachy and he must take a trip back to the states (where his job is). His son joins him for the journey and gets to know some of his relatives in the US, while he tries to look up a woman from his past that may have some answers for him. The police contact him almost as soon as he lands in the country (picked up by his passport), to discuss DNA tests. He doesn’t know what they know but we soon learn it is not what he expected. A shocking surprise increases the tension when the past begins to infiltrate the present.

There are two timelines in this novel. The current is told through Lachy, Sheridan and Kai. The 1968 thread told by Elizabeth, sister of Lachy and Sheridan’s mother, gives us the backstory of Lachy’s mother’s family. This one provides a shocking display of child abuse and religious control and its terrible effects on the children—particularly Elizabeth who does not bend to the rules. I found the historic thread very sad as it is also about a young woman who trusted the wrong man and the outcome was awful. When she finds herself in trouble, she has no family support and the revelation of what happens to her comes out many years later in the present thread. I won’t say anymore so as not to give anything away but I was deeply moved by this part of the novel.

With topics like religious control, child abuse, parental rights and competency, drug and alcohol dangers and the shocking serial murders covered in The Last Trace, there are plenty of reasons to keep turning the pages. Strong elements of suspense and shock make this a solid mystery thriller.

Petronella McGovern writes some very twisty mystery-thrillers and leaves a trail of evidence that makes you question everything and everyone! DNA is part of this novel’s revelations and how the cases in this story are solved. It is an intriguing plotline that raises many questions and makes you think and panic! Confusion clears when it all comes together in a satisfying ending as the past slides into the present and solves the mystery. I definitely recommend The Last Trace as it is a solid compelling novel. 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Allen & Unwin for the review copy.

Cindy L Spear