Review of 'The Irish Boarding House' by Sandy Taylor

Review of ‘The Irish Boarding House’ by Sandy Taylor

Release date: September 1st, 2022

Publisher: Bookouture



What a beautiful story of kindness, hope and second chances! I simply adored The Irish Boarding House set in 1950s Dublin. This is the first novel of Sandy Taylor’s I have read but it won’t be my last. She captured my attention from the first page. I absolutely love her writing style. There is a real warmth in the tone and care for her characters. 

It was so easy to slip into this uplifting story and get carried away by the drama that surrounds the life of Mary Kate. She is such an admirable person and I found myself constantly cheering her on and smiling when things turned around for her. Life, at the start, was not easy for this woman. She grew up in poverty after being abandoned by her mother as a baby. But she was not without love. Her special grandparents raised and taught her the things of most importance in life. And although she missed a mother-daughter relationship, she blossomed into a wonderful nurturing person who went on to help many hardship persons who came her way. One might say her previous suffering shaped her heart in ways that proved immensely useful when she inherited a large sum of money. 

At first, Mary Kate feels compelled to walk away from this surprise inheritance but then an idea sparks in her heart when a lowly deserted house captures her attention. In many ways this house is a character, a symbol of hardship at the start that becomes a vehicle of transformation. Mary Kate decides it is the perfect place to turn into a magnificent boarding house for single women. Her desire is to share her good fortune with others who need decent shelter and unconditional love and to escape the darkness of loneliness and despair. Even a dog, Guinness, becomes one of her rescues. She has lived in some terrible boarding houses with nasty caretakers after her grandparents died, and does not want that kind of life for others. So, she makes it her mission to offer the very opposite. The vision she has for this house leads her to friendships and relationships she would never have imagined. Plus, her desire to make the home into something grand, safe and beautiful with all the modern conveniences for those less fortunate comes to fruition. And what an intriguing journey it is through the lives of those she meets and works with. When the project is complete, many wayward and wronged souls find their way to her bright red door where hope and healing awaits.

This is a well written novel with exceptional unforgettable characters who tell their stories of how they are led to this woman who offers nothing but kindness, hope and a better future. We get various points of views, yes, but will not lose track for each story is so memorable and moving you will sail along on their sometimes turbulent and other times peaceful waves. To see how Mary Kate makes such a difference in their lives is frankly beautiful. It leaves us with memories, challenges and victories that will never fade. And there is one surprise you won’t be expecting.

There is so much to love about this novel and I highly recommend it to all who crave heartfelt, touching stories that sweep you away to a gentler, kinder place. A story where loving and helping your neighbour is number one. How many would do the wonderful things this woman has done with what she was given? Are her motives pure? Yes, the only satisfaction she seeks is to see another person happy. The Irish Boarding House is truly a refreshing reading experience. Without question, a 5 Star inspirational story. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for a review copy.

Cindy L Spear