Review of ‘The Hollywood Governess’ by Alexandra Weston

Review of The Hollywood Governess by Alexandra Weston

Release date: June 26th, 2024

Publisher: Boldwood Books



Oh, my bursting heart! I don’t know where to begin to review and rave about The Hollywood Governess by Alexandra Weston as I absolutely adored this novel from start to finish! The characters were so well defined, delightfully real and exquisitely portrayed. Their progressive developments were noticeable during their personal journeys so it was good to see them grow over their many experiences. I felt as if they had become dearest friends and at the closing of the novel I did not want to say goodbye to them. This is a must read novel for historical fiction lovers. It was such a pleasure to read as the language flowed like silk across the pages. I never once lost touch with the plot or characters and was completely engaged, eager to see what happened next, which was not always the expected. So, yes, there are some good surprises and big reveals.

The story’s main focus is on Miss Carlyle (Hester) who is suffering from a form of PTSD. She has been emotionally and physically wounded by an accident that created real havoc in her life. In the aftermath, she is rejected by her fiancé and bore the brunt of heartless jeers because of the scars on her face (and other body parts which she continually hides in her clothes). This has dampened her spirits and kept her from various activities she previously loved. I felt great empathy for her and how she suffered from such cruel responses. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time on a bus that crashed in New York but it continued to colour her views of herself in the public’s eyes. And it certainly injured her self-esteem.

Miss Carlyle is an English Governess hired to move to Los Angeles to teach a child whose mother and father are famous actors (Aidan Neil and Dinah Doyle). But a year earlier the mother has drowned under suspicious circumstances (though it has been deemed as an accident). Hester is reluctant to move there for many reasons but the main thrust that pushes her forward is the love she has for her father and sisters. They are unable to pay for major repairs needed on their home (her father is ill). She feels she is the only hope her family has so she takes the job, even though it will put her in uncomfortable circumstances. Her love, though, is greater than her fears. And she has been trained well. Considered by many to be of highest standing. She goes to Hollywood, not being a movie goer or lover of stars (that is her youngest sister’s passion) so is unfazed by what she encounters initially.

Of course, what is to follow is not what Hester expects once meeting her employer: a famous actor and father of the girl she must teach. Aidan is not initially very amicable and has many strict rules. He wants his daughter Erin protected at all costs. Hester begins to believe his fear is due to the loss of his wife who drowned. As a result, he is fiercely paranoid of Erin being around the pool without someone attending her at all times. This unhealthy state of worry, though, extends beyond the pool to many areas. His seven year old is banned from having any fun or be involved in activities normal to a child her age. But, Miss Carlyle will transform his ideas and eventually he will overcome his fears. (And she will conquer her self image issues— with his help). Little Erin plays an excellent role, too, and is a delight. She reminds me somewhat of Shirly Temple (who is mentioned along with other famous actors of the era). 

Yes, a romance develops (I won’t give anything away) and it is so beautifully delivered piece by piece until the glorious ending swept my heart into its whirlwind and then left me in a puddle of happy tears! Besides unexpected and forbidden love, transforming and transformed characters, there is a mystery that is solved. It touches on the unfair treatment of women at the time and those not deemed ‘normal’. The power and control of Hollywood leaders over their actors comes into play as well. The author handles everything with such skill, respect and kindness that we are able to see the picture clearly. Again, all of it is beautifully rendered and concluded with a magnificent outcome of hope, healing, second chances and new friendships. You might even say there are brush strokes of modern day fairy-tale Beauty and the Beast elements throughout and in the ending!

I cannot say enough of how much I loved this novel and I will forever sing this author’s praises! I will also be dying to read more by Alexandra Weston as she is an amazing writer that captured my attention from the first paragraph with her exceptional word artistry, riveting plot and believable characters (with their warts and all). 5 Plus stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️+ from me!

Thanks to Boldwood Books and Netgalley for the ARC.

Cindy L Spear