Review of The Girl Who Crossed Mountains by Lelita Baldock

Review of The Girl Who Crossed Mountains by Lelita Baldock

Release date: July 10th, 2024

Publisher: Storm Publishing



The Girl Who Crossed Mountains is another stunning literary masterpiece by Lelita Baldock, steeped in historical substance, that took my heart by storm! The emotions I felt while reading this story kept me on the edge of my seat as the tension mounted! I was choked on many occasions as I kept turning the pages with one hand and holding the tissues with my other. I felt so much love and appreciation for these characters who suffered deep anguish in losing their freedom and loved ones. War is gut wrenching for soldiers at any time but the innocent civilians caught in its net, trapped by its rules and restrictions, becomes soul destroying for many. Not to mention the immense heartbreak that follows such dire events. The author brings home with vivid detail the struggles these people faced, along with the heroism they exhibited. Those who fought back and tried to push on to survive in mind blowing conditions include both the members of the resistance and average residents who helped wherever they could. I felt I was there in the midst of the storms and trials, feeling the freezing temperatures and holding trembling and injured bodies. I believe The Girl Who Crossed Mountains gives us a true glimpse of the suffering these people in the past really experienced. The author handles it all with great respect and sensitivity through characters like Miren, Abene and others.

The drumbeat of war beats loud. And Abene, a fisherman’s daughter in Spain, must flee from her home and cross the treacherous Pyrenees to get to France for safety. She joins the resistance and participates in life-threatening activities. Reading about these dangerous missions often made my heart thump very loud! But she is not afraid and performs great acts of bravery: one of which is taking an injured Canadian soldier across the mountains in the dead of winter. It is a brutal journey but she is determined to get him to safety. I admired her resilience and dedication but also felt sadness for the little boy (Eduardo) left in her care. She makes great sacrifices in leaving him behind but kind friends agree to care for him if she does not return. It was a heartbreaking scene when they parted. For she is his world and Abene loves him with her whole heart, too. But her desire to help those who need assistance by working with those in the resistance, cannot be denied.

Miren who lives in San Sabastian, Spain, is forced to marry a rough, cruel and arrogant man Hernandez that her parents think will keep her safe during war. But this is far from the truth. And her heart belongs to another. A man named Anders. We are given some very touching scenes between this couple, so it is painful watching them being torn apart by circumstances and his missions. Anders is involved in the war on the resistance side. So, he is away often while she tries to juggle her life with her husband. Until she can bear it no more. When she gets an opportunity to plan an escape from her husband, she does. When Miren’s path crosses with childhood friend Abene, her life takes on an interesting direction with lots of on-the edge-of-your-seat moments!

The novel is told from these two women’s viewpoints. Both from the same city in Spain and how they (and other supporting characters) deal with the effects of the Spanish Civil War and then Hitler. There is so much one could say about this novel but I think it is best to just read it. There are many twists and turns that will grip your heart fiercely. This is an amazing stellar story that shines with courage, love, determination and heroism of the highest order. The Girl Who Crossed Mountains is breathtaking and unforgettable! A Must-Read 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for a review copy.

Cindy L Spear