Review of 'The Gilded Cage' by Luisa A Jones

Review of 'The Gilded Cage' by Luisa A Jones

Release date: June 22, 2023

Publisher: Storm Publishing



The Gilded Cage is an unforgettable powerful historical tale that gripped my heart and shook it fiercely. I spent many hours reading late into the night unable to put this book down. It had me entranced as it is so incredibly well written. I was fully transported back in time to 1897 and placed in an English setting, captivated by a believable cast of characters and mesmerised by a riveting plot. I was immersed on all fronts by this incredible story. The prose is magnificent with a number of beautiful heartfelt love scenes. But just as the author wields enchanting romantic moments of tender love, she also shows the extreme opposite in the controlling violent acts of an abusive relationship. Even at the other end of the spectrum, she writes with such force that the descriptions made me flinch in horror. It caused me to feel the pain this woman endured. And my heart throbbed with distaste for the man who inflicted such evil on her.

This novel realistically covers the many social class issues of the time. Arranged marriages were still certainly part of English society in the late 1800s and when a woman’s father died, she could lose everything and be left defenceless in the hands of others less caring. Or as this novel shows, thrust into a gilded cage at the mercy of a ruthless master. Luisa paints a true and jarring picture.

Rosamund is the daughter of a baron. But when he passes on, her brother sells her off to a man (Sir Lucien) who wants to control her for his own evil purposes. She is forced into marriage, stripped of her dignity, immobilised and traumatised by her husband’s cruelty. Eventually she is unable to function from years of abuse. Rosamund becomes a shell void of spirit, lifeless and colourless. The negative psychological effects are real and we can imagine this clearly.

But then someone steps into her life and shows her love. Her inner life begins to change, to tilt toward the light. This positive attention puts a spark back into her heart and forces the shadows to retreat. It starts with the motorcar and learning to drive. There were very few women drivers back then but she has read about them and wants to follow in their footsteps. And when she takes it on herself to learn from Joseph the chauffeur, while her abusive husband is away in London, it gives her a sense of freedom she has not known since the death of her father. This first experience of stepping out gives her confidence and courage to begin to fight back. But there are repercussions as you’d expect. There’s a spy in the camp. And although she has setbacks, her journey to freedom continues. But there are unexpected twists and turns. And others come into her life with kindness and gifts. Healing is on the horizon and justice, too, for this woman who has suffered immensely.

There are some Downton Abbey-like scenes in this novel—especially passages with the staff but they are used well for positive effect. I particularly liked Rosamund’s maid, Nellie, who gets to tell her side of the story. She became a wonderful ally and helped Rosamund through some rough times. Besides Rosamund and Nellie, we also get the viewpoints of Joseph and Mary. Even the abusive husband gets to say his share—and we can see the darkness of his heart not only in his actions but in his thoughts.

Rosamund compares her life to a modern day fairy-tale complete with a curse and ogre. In many ways she is right as she certainly has been trapped in a tower of loss, sorrow, violence and despair. But thankfully, there is a rescue but it is by her own hands, not a chivalrous prince. Without revealing anything specific, I can say she becomes the ‘driver of her own destiny’. In this way, the author delivers an apt modern ending—a positive resolution. Slivers of joy and seeds of hope rise from a bed of ashes proving there can be freedom at the end of a dark and twisting tunnel. And beautiful love can bloom after the damage of scars. I am really glad I read this novel. It is a beacon of encouragement for the abused. A healing balm for a troubled soul. And a literary triumph for the insightful reader. The Gilded Cage is profound and expertly crafted. I highly recommend this powerful novel.  5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Many thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for my review copy.



Cindy L Spear