Review of 'The Bitter Sweet Bakery Cafe' by Catherine Greer
Review of ‘The Bitter Sweet Bakery Cafe’ by Catherine Greer
Release date: March 4th, 2025
Publisher: Allen & Unwin
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I heard of this exciting new novel by fellow Canadian-Australian author, Catherine Greer, from another reviewer friend who highly recommended it. And I was delighted I had the privilege of reading and reviewing it thanks to Allen & Unwin. First off, The Bitter Sweet Bakery Café stands up to its title as it explodes with a mixture of life’s opposite ingredients. Just as in recipes, the combination of bitter and sweet can create stunning, mouth-watering treats. In this case forge new paths to happiness. Yes, food is part of the plot’s mix and the joy it can bring to those who need comfort and encouragement. But it is also about uncovering long buried dreams that get lost in the everyday grind of social existence. Throw in some unexpected twists and wicked drama that upsets the apple cart and what do you get? Change brought on by the force of trials. Change that sometimes is necessary for pushing us out of our comfort zone to discover there is more to us than meets the eye! Often it is what we need to bump us out of a rut so that we can develop courage to take a nose dive off the cliff into the sea of unknown.
I adored this novel as Catherine Greer hits home all the points that mid to later life women deal with so often. This makes her story very relatable. We may not all have had issues with wayward husbands, financial, property and job losses, alcoholism, childlessness, etc. but I bet most older women have felt short-changed or misjudged due to their age, appearance, social standing and so on, at one time or another. The struggle to stay or look young to compete with much younger women for our jobs, marriages and businesses is often all too real. Well, Audrey is the poster woman for all the battered souls out there who have carried or experienced the same losses and grievances. But despite all those horrible things that pile up on Audrey, she does not stay down. She learns from the experiences and draws strength from the memories of her mother—and moves forward with the support and kindness of her new friends to start again. When she has lost everything of material and social worth, she discovers there’s beauty in the wreckage. And she is not alone to fight her battles. Even more she starts counting and betting on herself, giving herself credit for what she can do. She does not need to appease or please others to succeed. And when she grabs this fresh vision, she is free to be the best she wants to be. Through this sometimes chaotic process, she spreads a lot of joy to those around her. And it is this joy that shines like a million glittering stars across the pages of this story.
The author presents through her characters insightful gems—realities that explode like fortune cookies for eager eyes to read little messages of truth inside. The writing style is exceptional, the tension perfect, the pace sings and the plot unfolds like the layers of petals in a flower. The dialogue is appropriate and riveting. The banter is fun and faithful to the story. Audrey’s thoughts reveal her fears, struggles and decisions. All spectacularly written, not a wasted word. I have read many women’s fiction novels that address some of the topics we see in The Bitter Sweet Bakery Café but this story presents it all in such a mature seasoned way. This is a testament to the author’s craftsmanship and the fact the material is based on what real people go through.
The eclectic unforgettable characters are captivating. They are fun, charming and delightful. And under the priceless humour runs some very poignant truths that hit the heart like a sledge hammer. Audrey is a friend we’d all want to know. Along with those who circle her like Buddy, Billie, Shez, Emily, Dr. Flood and even the bikie Coffin Cheaters! You cannot help but love these people who come into her life after the disasters hit her. And it is easy to be annoyed by the negative characters who were the bumps in her road. But even they could not steal Audrey’s thunder. Because when her big promotion fails, her husband betrays her (in more ways than one) and her previous work associate blocks her new plan, her escape to the seaside village to Whitehaven Bay is where all the magic and regrowth starts. With the help of some village friends, her heart and life are reshaped and revitalised. Armed with fresh vision, her Bittersweet Biscuit business takes off despite all the roadblocks in her path. She makes delicious lemon pie from the lemons that life tosses at her! And speaking of recipes: the story is filled with delectable treats. As a bonus, you can find them at the back of the novel to cook as well.
This is a wonderful package filled with heart, honesty, love, laughter and endless truths. As we watch Audrey rise and fall and rise again like the waves on the shore, we cannot help but cheer her enthusiasm, courage and charisma and grab a bit of that sparkle for ourselves. This is where the magic of a novel rubs off the pages and into our hearts. Reminding us we can overcome anything and we are not alone in our struggles. For often there are friends willing to help us over the rough spots.
Like the cover says: “sometimes losing everything is the only way to win.” Audrey had everything taken from her but like Job (in the Bible) she receives back a whole lot more. Every-one will love this novel for although its main focus is on mid-life challenges, it also covers other ages, too— including seniors and teens. Plus, solutions against bullying experienced by persons with quirky personalities. I kept thinking while reading The Bitter Sweet Bakery Café, fans of Joanna Nell’s books will love this novel. It’s a winner that you just cannot miss! I adored it and highly recommend it. It’s good medicine for the soul and a feast for the heart. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thanks to Allen and Unwin for a paperback review copy.
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