Review of 'Swan Light' by Phoebe Rowe

Review of 'Swan Light' by Phoebe Rowe

Release date: May 1st, 2023

Lake Union Publishing



This impressive debut Swan Light by Phoebe Rowe captured my attention for a few reasons. I love historical fiction, dual timelines, a Newfoundland setting and lighthouses! This gripping story contains some wonderful poetic descriptions enhanced by a moody atmosphere. Plenty of drama, mystery and mayhem fill these pages that kept my interest soaring and my imagination engaged with the characters. The action and danger heat up to such a frantic pitch in both timelines towards the climax, I was on the edge of my seat! These chapters are side by side so there’s no chance to let your racing heart slow down. I felt pulled back and forth between the two eras as if I was a time traveller. In many ways it was like diving off a steep cliff into the silent sea depths below. But once plunging into the turbulent waters, things begin to happen. In this case, family secrets rise to the surface like tiny air bubbles. For the stories of two people divided by a century on the stormy eastern coast of Canada, come together in a perfect blend. But not before the shock of strong coastal winds, startle and shake the reader’s mind from any complacency that may have occurred. I am happy to say, the experience rendered some wonderful plot surprises and unexpected character outcomes. So, Phoebe Rowe has achieved results with her unique writing style.

As mentioned, there are two timelines. The 2014 story focuses on marine archaeologist Mari Adams who is searching for the SS Californian. Mari is in need of serious finances to continue her expedition when she is contacted by a wealthy 104 year old woman from Newfoundland to find the remains of a lighthouse (Swan Light) that has been said to have fallen into the sea over one hundred years ago. After talking with the elderly lady (who does not seem her age) Mari decides to take on the task as it will be of great benefit to her. But to complete this task she teams up with salvager Julian Henry. A lot of interesting things unfold on their quest and it even leads them into some danger when they are confronted by some treasure hunters.

But there is more to the story of why elderly Evangeline has sought out Mari to take on the search for the lighthouse. This mission includes learning more about those that were involved with the lighthouse in 1913. We have the advantage of getting a full view of that time period mostly through Swan (the eighty-three year old caretaker who passionately protects the lighthouse and petitions for it to be moved) and Clara, a young lady determined to help him. This time period felt authentic and it was obvious Phoebe has done extensive research to make this happen.

The transfer back and forth from 1913 and 2014 is seamless and authentic. What Mari uncovers is quite surprising and the two timelines become intertwined in unexpected ways. The presentation of both was enlightening as we learn the story behind the lighthouse and the man who looked after it. But his warning to the town that it needed to be moved was unheeded. The lighthouse is very much a character in this story with its groans and desperate warnings.

There are some wonderful lines in this novel and a great explanation of what drives some to find shipwrecks. It is a fascinating thing to seek out lost ships and other relics claimed by the sea. Years of history lie silent in its depths. And as the narrative states: ‘There was so much the sea had seen…It was a strange twist of human curiosity…that pushed people to want to look…That pushed them to dive into waters despite their darkness. That made them search for things they might never find.’ I am reminded that it is the endless allure and pull of mystery to touch something precious from the past.

I really enjoyed Swan Light and I am very glad I read this sweeping, moving, family mystery where the veil is pulled back so that one woman’s memory is sharpened into focus before she makes that last journey outside of time. And so that another woman’s dream can come true. 4 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Lake Union Publishing and Netgalley for my review copy.

Cindy L Spear