Review of 'Shelter from the Storm' by Penelope Janu

Shelter from the Storm by Penelope Janu

Publisher: HQ

Release date: January 4th, 2023



Penelope Janu has a unique voice and writing style that I would recognise anywhere. Sleek and organised. Descriptions that provide wonderful comparisons of nature to the landscapes of our lives. Like her previous books, I really enjoyed her latest offering. Shelter from the Storm shines with Penelope’s masterful eye for details. Her legal background comes through, too, in the plot along with her passion and experience with horses. She wonderfully weaves her equine knowledge into the storyline. I particularly enjoyed all the horse scenes as I am also a lover and past owner of these gorgeous animals. I agree with the theory of fear in how ‘a horse is less likely to act unexpectedly if he feels safe.’ I think this behaviour reflects in people as well.

This story’s setting begins on the coast with Patience Cartwright. She has had a run in with a superior officer and she has not handled the situation well. This has put her position in jeopardy. To smooth things over, she must accept a secondment to work with an environmental team back in the country town near where she grew up. But there is more to this assignment than others know. She is on a secret mission to uncover potential fraud in the team. This makes her task hard but even harder is the requirement to return to her once familiar territory that embodies terrible memories of her past. She fled this area due to an unhappy childhood and a failed romance. Does she want to go back to the place that singed and broke her heart? Of course not. But she must. Unfortunately, one of the scientists working on this project studying the habitat of amphibians is Hugo Halstead, her childhood friend and past love. How will she deal with such a confrontation? The tension thickens as Penelope provides some incredibly tight and emotional scenes between these two.

Australian naval officer Patience is in many ways a fascinating character. She has an unusual gift— a mathematical mind that counts everything and measures her world through numbers. She is also very good at her job. But like most people, she is not perfect and even though she is a very independent strong woman who can tackle extreme challenges in her work realm, she is afraid of horses after having a bad fall when she was younger. To her credit though, she is determined to overcome her fear and get back in the saddle. This creates much concern for Hugo, which then reveals his true interest and care of her.

The topics of fear, abuse and bullying are a great part of this novel: three things that Patience has known in her life. Her father is a troubled man and has left many scars on his family. Thankfully, Patience has two loving sisters Phoebe and Primrose (names that start with P!). There are some great heart to heart chats that give us more insight on these women’s lives.

When Patience becomes injured and falls to a severe infection, she must stay with Hugo’s parents. Greta is a kind motherly lady (and an excellent cook) who takes care of her while she recuperates. It is a valuable reprieve for Patience who reconnects with the beauty that surrounds her (the garden scenes are heavenly). Here is where she begins to work out the matters of the heart. Forgiveness is on the horizon like a ship on the sea, edging closer to shore. Also, during this time, she learns of a secret between Greta and her mother.

As stated in the story, fate has a way of working things out. The reference to a puzzle is mentioned again and again. This novel is beautifully rendered so that the pieces come together in a tender and triumphant way. I truly loved the journey as the sights, sounds and layers of meaning rise like mist off the land after a summer rain. I highly recommend Shelter from the Storm. 5 Stars. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Many thanks to HQ (HarperCollins Au) and Netgalley for my review copy.

Cindy L Spear