Review of 'Secrets of Clearwater Castle' by Emma Davies

Review of 'Secrets of Clearwater Castle' by Emma Davies

Release date: May 10th, 2023

Publisher: Bookouture



I am so glad I took the time to read and review this captivating novel by Emma Davies. Secrets Of Clearwater Castle stole a piece of my heart! I absolutely was hooked from the first page of this novel and could not put it down. I became completely lost in the drama and read it rather quickly. And loved every minute of it, too! The story is as intriguing as its gorgeous cover. Mystery, romance, family, secrets, friendships, creativity and determination are just a few of the elements that make this first book of a new series enchanting.

Young Welsh widow, Lowri Morgan, is such a fascinating character. Her exceptional abilities don’t show immediately but eventually pieces of her strong personality come shining through. She is so much more than first impressions lead us to believe. I loved how the author did a slow reveal giving us time to get to know her. We soon learn what a courageous gifted woman she is. Especially since her life has been upended after her husband tragically dies in an accident. She is left in a less than secure financial position and with a young daughter to care for. Now that her husband is gone, she must make some radical changes to ensure they have a good life. In the aftermath of her husband’s death, she is faced with some unsettling questions about his past. It all starts when she discovers an official piece of paper in his belongings. He had inherited some land and property of which she was unaware. This sends a shock wave through her heart to know he kept such important information from her. What other secrets did he harbour? This sets her on a mission to uncover the mystery property: an intriguing journey that leads to Clearwater Castle. A place that holds more than one secret, including information on her husband’s background and family.

Lowri decides to move into the cottage on the estate with her daughter where she contemplates her next move. Now that her husband is gone, the inheritance is hers. What will she do with it? This unique landmark-castle is a shadow of its former self and practically in ruins. But there are other buildings on the property still usable, although needing upgrades, where work is happening. Due to her husband’s absence, another person was hired to look after the premises and business. The revelations we learn of this character prove to be both entertaining and disheartening. A challenge for Lowri but not one she cannot overcome. Many changes need to occur, if Lowri decides to take on this project. There are obstacles she must face but she is not alone in the fight.

There are some delightful creative support characters (like Elin, Seren, Huw) and a sly villain (I won’t name) that make this story crackle like a vibrant hearth fire. The castle and grounds are somewhat static characters as everything and everyone revolves around them. But as this property unveils its secrets, change for all is on the horizon— even for the buildings to make way for new business ventures that could help the community!

There’s so much to love about this story such as the inspiring descriptions, the atmospheric setting, the eclectic cast of characters, the perfect plot, the just-right pace and intriguing storyline. All this wondrous writing is wrapped up in secrets, strangeness, mystery and mayhem to deliver a magical outcome. Thankfully forgiveness, justice, restoration and victory trickle through the veins of this story and into the hearts of those involved. But not without hard work and digging into the past for evidence to support surmised activities.

Clearwater Castle ‘…a ruin, a place of forgotten dreams and a shattered past. …could become a place of new hopes and dreams.’ Which way will the pendulum swing for Lowri and her team? Will they get the grant they need to rebuild it? Emma Davies has delivered a wonderful story that lifted my spirits and carried me away to a castle that stole my heart (just as it did Lowri’s) and it will do the same for others, too! I highly recommend this triumphant story. 5 Shooting Stars! ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for my review copy.

Cindy L Spear