Review of 'Right Way Up ' by Fiona McCallum

Review of 'Right Way Up ' by Fiona McCallum

Release date: April 2nd, 2025

Publisher: HQ Fiction


What an incredibly heart-warming, honest story! Right Way Up by Fiona McCallum pulled on my heart fiercely and because it harnessed me at an emotional level, I fell quickly into the plot and became heavily invested in the warm, caring and likeable Colin. The author hits the nail on the head of so many older relationship issues and I felt I was nodding constantly. Wonderful bits of wisdom and truths leap off the page, particularly from Colin who must put his own advice into action more times than not!

Colin is a practicing psychologist in South Australia who spends his working hours trying to help individuals and couples sort their emotional challenges. He is quite sympathetic and understanding and it appears his clients think so, too, as he seems to offer them solutions that work, while helping them recognise behavioural problems. He imparts advice that they must take care of themselves first.

Things are moving along as usual in his own home, when Joyce, his wife, discusses retirement. But he is not quite ready for it, yet goes along with her desire to get a travelling van with the intentions to travel. But when Joyce heads off on an adventure of her own, she is away longer than Colin expects her to be. When she returns, she drops a bomb on him that will drastically alter their lives. Then he is hit with another trial. This time relating to his work. When faced with two drastic and unexpected curve balls in his personal and work life, initially it sets him off balance. But in the end, the disruptions force him into new directions. These changes, ironically, in his life are for the better. He becomes more independent and learns new activities like cooking, tending to accounts and attending social activities. But there is more. On this journey of growth, he gets help from a female friend named Shirley: a retired nurse who has recently lost her husband. She is a real bright spark in Colin’s life with her friendship, understanding and advice. She’s the magic ingredient of support he needs after a double barrel blow. She helps him to move positively forward. And move forward he does! He truly begins to live a more relaxed fulfilled life. And when another curve ball hits him, he handles it with grace and compassion. The growth in this man is uplifting and you just love him even more.

This story is about changes in relationships, particularly between husband and wife. Also, grief after loss is exceptionally demonstrated. Then there is the importance of friendships, social activities and trying new directions. Listening to Colin counsel (hearing his thoughts about psychological truths) was quite fascinating as it provided an inside view of a psychologist’s job.

Although Colin sometimes accepts blame a little too much (in my opinion) in his marital relationship, he certainly recognises his flaws and tries to make changes in his life. All through the drama, he remains caring and sensitive. recognising that nobody is perfect and no one person can be everything. For we all can use a little improvement here and there!

I adored this novel and so glad I read it! Right Way Up held my attention from start to finish and the conclusion was a pleasant surprise. Characters, dialogue, plot and setting are all well presented. Plus the pace is steady and purrs along nicely. The cat character is a charming addition, too! Highly recommend this positive, delightful relationship-focused gem! 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to HQ Fiction and Netgalley for a review copy.

Cindy L Spear