Review of 'Mrs Winterbottom Takes a Gap Year' by Joanna Nell

Review of 'Mrs Winterbottom Takes a Gap Year' by Joanna Nell

Release date: Nov 1, 2023

Publisher: Hachette Australia




Joanna Nell explodes on the senior fiction scene once again with issues that matter most to those of retiring age. Her exceptional use of humour is infectious and had me giggling to the point of tears (happy ones) at the antics of Mrs Winterbottom. She is not an old doting fool. Rather, she is a doctor who has just made the decision to retire from her practice. But this is not a solo act as her doctor husband is joining her, too.

So, what are these two once very busy doctors going to do with their lives now? Here lies the realistic direction of this story. When people who have led a hectic career schedule suddenly stop, many issues can arise. What will they do with all their free time? Of course, in the novel, they take up hobbies (like Mr Winterbottom with his gardening), or get involved with charities. Or like Mrs Winterbottom, ‘takes a Gap Year’ and heads for her long dreamed of vacation. Yet without someone to share it with, is it so exciting or fulfilling? But, of course, she isn’t quite alone. She’s taking her best friend! And she will meet new people on the way.

Besides showcasing the comic side of senior life, Joanna’s characters, plots and messages are always filled with serious observations. No problem or concern is ever shallow and approached with an incredible depth of perception. Heart-warming and soulful are just a few more adjectives to describe these stories from the hand and imagination of a very creative author. It is obvious Joanna cares about and understands what she writes.

Mrs Winterbottom Takes a Gap Year is a perfect novel and contains some of the most tender and wise observations I have ever seen. There are many sad realisations, too, particularly encountered or voiced by Mrs. Winterbottom. She feels there are major ingredients missing in her life, particularly in the romance department. It is easy to understand how when two people live together a long time, habits and familiarity can create a sense of complacency. This can cause important relationship nurturing to slide. I will use a garden analogy to explain, that aligns with one of the retiree’s new pastimes. What happens when a healthy plant is not watered, fertilised and tended? The harsh elements take over. The neglected soil dries out and the plant withers and dies. Yes, weeds may appear and choke out its life, too. All in all, it ends on the same note. Death. This novel explores this delicately and honestly, yet offers a positive direction.

Relationships are the same and this is something Mrs Winterbottom discovers and eventually her husband, too. But in the meantime, she sorts through her new strange and strained retirement to find new meaning and purpose in life. After everything she has done for so many years is taken away (through a retirement choice), it is harder to adjust than expected. She does not want to disappear or fade into oblivion, so what should she do? The death of her best friend spurs her on to begin making changes. With or without her husband, she must find a clear path. Carrying her dead friend in an urn, she decides to embark on a trip to the Greek islands.

Retirement, as I have seen from family and others, can be a scary shaky ground to walk on at first. Because when people lose their routines and steely-eyed focus and purpose, it seems they are standing alone naked for the first time. The ‘clothes’ of our jobs, family rearing, youthful activities, etc, when sadly are removed due to age, retirement, poor health or other circumstances— well, just makes humans feel naked and unsure. But this story shows the importance of stepping back to get another view by taking a holiday or tackling something new on your wish list. It’s now or never! Seize the day! For the clock is ticking.

While Mr Winterbottom tackles his new love for gardening, Mrs Winterbottom must take her own journey of self-discovery. While exploring the magnificent beauty of the Greek islands, she meets a man who awakens some neglected passions in her but how far will she let this spark go? What about her marriage vows to her husband? Lots of comical and not so comical things happen and many conversations with her friend’s ashes (which appears to be good therapy for her) help her sort through her own remains.

Mrs Winterbottom Takes a Gap Year does have a happy and satisfying ending. Mr and Mrs both learn some valuable lessons and how to use those important revelations. Together their journeys apart bring them back to each other but things are quite different than before. For they are changed by the events and realisations.

This is a charming and powerful story of triumph, finding new purpose, rekindling old flames and burning a few new ones. I was laughing, smiling, nodding my head and clutching my chest. Mrs Winterbottom Takes a Gap Year is a genuine, beautiful, uplifting and engaging gem. It is a brilliant story that is good medicine for the soul and offers sound remedies for the heart. I must add that I loved the Homer Odyssey tie in with the Greek islands and how it was woven into the novel’s development and character observations. That rich ingredient of ancient literature adds an extra touch of classic genius. Joanna has a real gift of delivering joyously and profoundly her keen perceptions of human nature. And that includes all the roadblocks, hassles and discomforts found on the journey towards a mature age. I cannot rave enough about this gorgeous novel! A must-read of 2023! 5 Illustrious Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Hachette Australia and author Joanne Nell for a review copy.

Cindy L Spear