Review of 'Keepsakes from the Cottage by the Loch' by Kennedy Kerr

Review of 'Keepsakes from the Cottage by the Loch' by Kennedy Kerr

Release date: October 15th, 2024

Publisher: Bookouture



Author Kennedy Kerr always delivers an impactful and emotional story on social, family or health issues. She is not afraid to explore the truth of painful experiences or difficult relationships. In this case, the traumas of child abuse are covered. Part of this story’s focus shows the responses and repercussions for the victims and the helpless feeling of those who surround them. I can tell you my eyes were smarting on more than one occasion while reading Keepsakes from the Cottage By the Loch as it certainly pulled on my sympathetic heartstrings!

Tara Ballantyne is a teacher who moved away from Loch Cameron to the city. Her heart was broken when her fiancé disappeared. Although she never knew what happened to him, she worried that it might have been her fault. Lost in a memory of regret, she carries a terrible secret for the next ten years. And never really recovers from the loss of Ramsay’s presence in her life. He was not only her total world but also a large part of her family’s. He was like a son to her parents who were very protective of him. From the time he was fairly young, they knew he was having serious issues at home and offered him a room. So, when his strange disappearance occurs, it affects them deeply, too.

When Tara’s mother has a fall, she is asked to come home to help with the family guest house business. But she is not so keen to return as it will force her to face many upsetting memories. Tara has never truly healed from the trauma of abandonment or been released from the torture of guilt. The emotional experience is still raw and only slightly buried beneath the surface. So when she has a chance encounter with Ramsay—the shock throws her into a serious wobble. And the cap on her feelings comes off. The uncomfortable experience stirs up a lot of feelings both positive and negative. When Ramsay suggests they get together for a chat to discuss the past, she is not sure she wants to be in the same room with him. Her emotions are all over the place: for she is both angry yet curious. What happened to him so long ago and why is he here now? How much has his life changed? She gets a glimpse from afar of what she thinks his life is like now but are her observations correct?

There is a lovely historical sub-thread from the World War II period within the plot that centres on Tara Ballantyne’s relative, Aunt Agnes, who also was a teacher. We learn here about another type of abuse that this woman encountered. Tara goes on a little journey into the past through a time capsule of letters and other personal entries to learn more about her aunt’s life. There are some shocking discoveries but Tara is impressed how her aunt persevered through all the hardships and unsavoury treatment. This gives her courage to do the same. Agnes becomes a role-model for Tara who is also trying to overcome an emotional past experience.

This is a well written heart-piercing story that will make you appreciate a peaceful home, a loving family and supportive friends. The delicate descriptions of this loch setting make it very appealing for it seems to be a place where people feel safe and comforted by the natural surroundings.

This novel also touches on how difficult working in the accommodation industry can be. Tara discovers it is a lot of hard work to keep customers happy. Her time back home also allows her to draw closer to her mother and to understand where she is coming from. There is a lot of positive relationship building and recovery in Keepsakes from the Cottage By the Loch. I definitely recommend this moving, page-turning, second chance love-story that will squeeze your heart and transport you to a stunning atmospheric Scottish setting. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for the ARC.

Cindy L Spear