Review of 'Dreams of the Cottage by the Sea' by Rebecca Alexander

Review of 'Dreams of the Cottage by the Sea' by Rebecca Alexander

Release date: April 4th, 2023

Publisher: Bookouture

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Dreams of the Cottage by the Sea by Rebecca Alexander is a wonderful addition to The Island Cottage series. There is a strong message in this novel. How the beauty of island life can have a healing effect on injured hearts and bodies.

The call of a dream when a person is in pain physically, mentally or spiritually becomes the lifeline of that person’s soul. A place to find hope again, joy and refreshment. The Prologue of this novel clearly sings of this message. Nicole is broken. Severely wounded from a car accident. She must find her way back to herself—to that person of confidence. It is a tough journey of rehabilitation but she must make it. And once knowing she will never be the same, she learns to work with what she has left and to do the most menial tasks in a new way.

This story speaks volumes on the topic of physical disabilities and Post Traumatic Stress. When a piece of us is removed or disfigured for whatever reason, we do not feel whole. Loss of mobility or limbs due to an injury claws at our self-esteem. It can empty our reserves of confidence quickly. How do we do the things we once took for granted? Leap quickly off a rock or bed, step effortlessly up a flight of stairs, run easily on a piece of grass, skip freely across a beach. To someone who has lost this ability, it is devastating. Reliving the experience in a nightmare is horrifying, too. Then there is another kind of loss: of a child or another loved one. How do we go forward feeling the emptiness from their absence?

This novel is told in two timelines: each echoing similar experiences by different persons. The present day begins with Nicole, the woman who has been in a car accident. She longs to return to her favourite island. Many happy memories were nurtured there. It was a time when she was ‘in love with life’ (snorkelling, boat trips, lobster catches, free-diving for scallops). These sweet memories linger in her thoughts and it is natural for her to want to feel some of that joy again. She hopes that her year-long stay will allow her to recapture those happy feelings. Little does she know that this special Island will infuse its community spirit into her life. It is here where people come together in times of need and help each other over the rough patches. Plus, also join in and celebrate others’ personal victories. The warmth and closeness of Island dwellers can be a tender balm. Of course, secrets never stay secrets long in a community such as this. But what does that matter? For the good outweighs any hassle.

Nicole learns this quickly. And she falls in love with the island again. But she does not expect to find a man who shares her environmental passions. Someone who does not care that she has scars or has been physically wounded. For the first time she is comfortable with another person, exposing her vulnerabilities. This island nature warden, Josh, seems perfect for her. But can she trust in love again? As she spends time on the island and slowly heals, she realises what she really needs to fulfil her dreams.

And then there is an old crumbling haunted house, where Nicole lived as a student. It harbours some mystifying secrets. Josh suggests they should investigate it. We are taken back to the past of WW2 where everything unfolds. In this timeline of 1941, we learn what has been hidden as we follow the lives of Lily, James, Bernie, Oliver and Emma. They are a diverse group who deal with some ‘heavy emotional baggage’. But change comes and life goes forward for each of them. For ‘the war has made everything different.’ They have all had trauma that left them with scars. But here I will single out Lily. She has experienced great personal loss, and although her heartbreak will never be erased, time will deliver a new gift that will set her on a path of healing. And this new joy will touch the others, too.

Dreams of  the Cottage by the Sea is a moving story of restoration where the issues of physical disfigurement are explored, where a grief stricken heart is understood, and scars are noticed but each person moves toward a path of healing that is right for them. You cannot help but care about these characters who are on a journey to wholeness. Rebecca’s beautiful island descriptions and heart felt plots draw you in quickly. Emotions run high as we experience each character’s grief, celebrate their hard earned accomplishments and cheer them across the finish line. It is a fulfilling uplifting read that I certainly recommend. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Bookouture and Netgalley for a review copy.

Cindy L Spear