Review of 'Coming Home to Tuppenny Bridge' by Sharon Booth

Review of 'Coming Home to Tuppenny Bridge' by Sharon Booth

Release date: July 8, 2024

Publisher: Storm Publishing




Coming Home to Tuppenny Bridge by Sharon Booth certainly had a hold on my heart from start to finish. I basically read it throughout the day. I was so caught up in the lives of Bethany Marshal, Clive Browning and the animals in the shelter I did not want to stop. To say I felt a lot of emotions is an understatement. My pulse quickened, my throat tightened and tears were often welling up in my eyes. I truly became invested in the hearts and events of the characters and felt I knew them like friends when I turned the last page. This novel covers numerous heavy emotional topics such as abuse, suicide, emotional control, friend and spouse betrayal, animal cruelty, etc. and Ms Booth certainly delivered them respectfully but truthfully on all counts.

Bethany has been contacted by a friend of her estranged brother Joseph and told he has just died. She is devastated even though she has not seen or been in contact with him for many years. She left their home deeply wounded by an event that involved Joseph. Betrayal hit her heart fiercely and anger became the fuel that led to her escape. Feeling abandoned by her mother who died when she was young, betrayed by her brother she adored and trusted, and frightened by her bully father whose meanness spilled over to the animals she loves, she has no choice but to get away from Whispering Willows for the sake of her sanity. But with all the trauma baggage she carries, starting a new life is not easy and future relationships never seem to quite pan out.

Returning to Tuppenny Bridge (to attend Joseph’s funeral and look after his affairs) is the last thing she wants to do. Even though Whispering Willows belongs to her, she wants to sell it as quickly as possible to distance herself from the pain she has known there.

Bethany’s past relationship with her brother is heavily explored. Growing up she adored her much older brother who often defended and cared for her during some trying times. But something terrible happens that changes her feelings towards him that drives her far away. As a result, her prompt departure and harsh attitude to never look back or contact him again is something she will have to live with— now that he is gone. For she will never be able to make amends. But once she arrives and begins to learn what her brother has been doing all these years—she comes to appreciate his kind heart and mission in homing abandoned and abused animals.

So her return home becomes an opportunity for much-needed restoration. As Bethany spends time at Whispering Willows and encounters a network of people who have been helping with the animals, her heart begins to soften to the issues they are facing. This part of the story really clutched at my heart. One of the people who play a major role in the shelter is Joseph’s friend, a loving vet named Clive. I really liked him, his gentleness and caring attitude. He is the very opposite of many who have played a part in Bethany’s life. Where they were manipulative and selfish, he is free spirited and supportive. A relationship grows between them. And a transformation begins. As truth is exposed, everything turns around.

This is a wonderfully written and moving story. We get to see some familiar faces from the previous books in the series and it was lovely to follow their new developments. I appreciated Bethany’s difficult journey and was both sad and happy with the things that transpired. This story shows the consequences and dangers of interfering in others’ lives. And the destruction of anger. Life is too short to hold on to hurts. But there are some happy moments at the end and a huge revelation time for Bethany that brings healing. Everything comes together in a fresh new way. Plus love is on the horizon as she finds her home in Tuppenny Bridge. 5 Heart-Filled Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for my review copy.


Cindy L Spear