Review of 'Coming Home to the Windmill by the Sea' by Caroline Young

Review of 'Coming Home to the Windmill by the Sea' by Caroline Young

Release date: September 25th, 2024

Publisher: Storm Publishing



Coming Home to the Windmill by the Sea by Caroline Young is such a beautiful story of friendship, forgiveness, second chances and following your heart so that you can live your best life. Many secrets and regrets have kept two friends, Megan and Beth, apart. Distance, too. Megan remained on the island and has been somewhat isolated for the past fifteen years. Beth on the other hand moved to the city to pursue her ambitions. When a chance arises to put things right, Beth grabs it. It all begins to happen when she returns to quaint Anglesey in Wales upon the death of her father. After she helps her mother sort affairs, nervously and with caution she meets up with her friend. She does not know how Megan will react, but Beth begins the slow waltz towards making things right. And part of that includes confessing or admitting her faults and bad behaviour when she was young. A man was in the centre of their friction. Sadly, youthful ignorance got in the way of common sense. But these ladies are older and wiser now and it is time to bury the hatchet.

Being away from the hustle and bustle of a busy city environment, the natural land and seascape begin to work its healing magic on Beth. Memories come flooding back as she enters the windmill and its surroundings: the world of her childhood. But this time she is able to see clearly with age and experience on her side: the importance of family and friends and making others happy. This begins with Beth’s son. He is miserable at Oxford and wants to go down a different path than what she planned for him. His unhappiness is a wake up call for Beth. After conversations, she invites him to join her in the country seaside location. It is there he finds his true passion. This part of the story was quite moving as it is an honest portrayal of how sometimes parents don’t get things right. In Beth’s zealousness to create a perfect life for her son, she misses a major ingredient and overlooks his individuality. But healing begins at Anglesey when her son’s joy returns in exercising his overlooked talents.

There were so many lovely characters in Coming Home to the Windmill By the Sea and so much to enjoy about this heart-warming story. Once the two friends reunite, Beth decides to help her friend achieve her greatest dream. I thought this was a tender selfless act that showed how much Beth cared about her friend’s well-being and fulfilment. She tried hard to set things right. This little lovingly stitched mystery in the plot, unfolds beautifully. This, along with other events, allowed these two ladies to heal and move forward and to finally receive the rewards they deserved. I also loved the ‘roots’ sublot with her mother’s origins. That was quite a fun mystery to pursue, too! And I must mention I LOVED all the references to Emily Bronte’s writing and Emily Dickinson. So many of the lines quoted fit perfectly with the plot.

This is an emotional story and its exceptional delivery kept my eyes filled with tears (both in sadness and happiness). Out of the chaos of the past, wonderful order is born. Friendships and loves are restored. Once confused and lonely hearts find their place and purpose. So the novel ends on a high note of satisfaction and joy. I loved Coming Home to the Windmill by the Sea and truly felt I had escaped to the rugged shores of Anglesey. I enjoyed joining the characters on their journeys to wholeness. In fact, they became like friends I did not want to say good-bye to! I highly recommend this tender and uplifting novel. 5 Stars ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

Thanks to Storm Publishing and Netgalley for the ARC in exchange for an honest review.

Cindy L Spear