Interview with Kell Woods - Author of 'After the Forest'

NOVEL OUT - OCTOBER 4th, 2023!


After The Forest is a most delicious serve of magic, wisdom and wonder...Rich and inviting, vernal and never ending, this story of stories will last long past the closing of its pages. This magnificent novel moved me so deeply, it entered my dreams.
— Cindy L Spear

Interview with Kell Woods – Author of ‘After the Forest’


Tell us a little about After The Forest and the story world you’ve created.

Sure. After the Forest is a historical fantasy novel for adults that re-tells the Hansel & Gretel fairytale. Set in the Black Forest region of Germany in the mid seventeenth century, it tells the story of red-headed gingerbread baker Greta, who along with her brother Hans, survived a terrifying ordeal in the woods when they were children. Their troubles, however, are far from over. Greta is viewed with suspicion and mistrust by the other villagers, who can’t ignore her past, or her red hair, while Hans’s gambling debts could cost them their home. As well as that, men have been found dead in the woods, mauled by an unknown beast.    

When dark magic returns to the woods – and the villagers’ mistrust and suspicions deepens - Greta finds that the past might not be as distant as she had thought, and that she might have to fight for her life all over again. 

Did After the Forest require much research and did it include any trips overseas?

Yes, I did a lot of research on life in what was then Germany in the seventeenth century, as well as witch trials and the Thirty Years' War. I went to the Black Forest, too, and spent time walking the forest, visiting bears and wolves at a bear sanctuary and exploring an open air museum which had all kinds of houses and buildings from the past. It was amazing! 

Your novel has three gorgeous covers. Did you have any input into their designs? Have the artists portrayed what you hoped to see?

Thank you! I think they're gorgeous, too. Because After the Forest is publishing simultaneously with three different publishers (Tor in the US, Titan Books in the UK and Harper Voyager in Australia/New Zealand) and they all decided to have different covers, I got to go through the cover design process three times, which was fabulous. It was different from publisher to publisher but I got to see the early roughs from designers and be part of the discussion for all three. Both the US and Australian/New Zealand covers were designed by Andrew Davis, so it was also very special to get to see him work his magic not once, but twice. I had never really imagined a particular cover for the book - I just knew I wanted them to have plenty of botanicals and forest vibes, and feature Greta's red hair. I feel like all three covers nailed it. 

If you were granted a wish that allowed you to live in a fairy tale for one week, which one would you choose and why? 

Ooh, for a whole week? I'd probably say Snow White and Rose Red. I love their cosy cottage and regular visits from their gentle bear friend. I think that would be a pretty pleasant week. 

This is your first novel which is pretty exciting! Have you had any writing courses or mentorships that helped with the writing of After The Forest? 

Yes – I studied Creative Writing and English Literature at uni, and I regularly do writing courses, online and in person. I also completed the Australian Society of Authors’ emerging writers’ mentorship program, which consisted of a mentorship with Kate Forsyth. Kate made me look long and hard at the manuscript, guiding me through a series of re-writes that enabled me to start sending it out to literary agents.  

How long did it take to complete a final draft of your story and what challenges did you face as a new novelist? 

It took a long time – I did several drafts on my own, more with Kate, another with my agent, and then more with my publishers. The most challenging part of the process for me was trying to get an agent in Australia – I was sending submissions in 2020, right in the thick of the pandemic, and most agents in Australia wouldn’t even look at fantasy submissions. When I started sending my pitch out to agents in the UK and the US things changed. I signed with a UK agent, which ultimately led to my book deal.   

When did you discover you wanted to be a writer? Did a story, author, image, experience or something else awaken the desire? 

I’ve wanted to be a writer since I was very young- maybe 6 or 7. I was a big reader as a child and I think I always wanted to write my own stories.  

Greta loves to cook. Do you have a favourite gingerbread recipe that you would like to share that might cast a spell on us all? 

I have to be honest with you – Greta is a much better cook than me! If only I had a magical book to help me!  

Thanks to Lizzie on Instagram for use of pic.


 Name five novels you read this year that enchanted or surprised you? 

Dark Water Daughter by H.M Long, Lessons in Chemistry by Bonnie Garmus, The Bookbinder of Jericho by Pip Williams, Orphia and Eurydicius by Elyse John, and Yellowface by R.F Kuang. I’ve also just finished The Hummingbird Effect by Kate Mildenhall which was great, too.  

Are you working on a new project and, if so, can you share a little about it? 

I am! I can’t share too much about it, but I can say that it’s another fairy re-telling, but instead of taking place in the forest, this one's set under the sea. 🧜🏻‍♀️

Thanks for having me on your blog, Cindy!  

Thanks for being my guest Kell! We wish you much success on the release today of your beautiful novel out now across three regions!

Important Links

My review of After the Forest.

Visit Kell’s website for more info on her book, news, author events, social media.

Writes 4 Women with Pamela Cook. Listen to Kell talk about her new novel.

Kell’s mentor Kate Forsyth has written many wonderful essays on Fairy Tales and their importance in society. Read ‘The Big Idea: Fairy Tales’. Then check out the rest of her articles (listed here) to read all her beautiful offerings!

Cindy L Spear