Interview with Julie Shackman - Author of 'A Scottish Country Escape'

Author Julie Shackman is a former journalist from Scotland, who has always wanted to write feel-good romance. She is married, has two sons and an adopted rescue puppy, Cooper.


With Julie Shackman - author of ‘A Scottish Country Escape’



You have been writing a series of romantic mystery novels. Tell us a bit about A Scottish Country Escape and what’s different or unique about this one?

This novel contains a mystical element. Has there been a curse placed on handsome, moody crime author Dexter Grayling or is it his imagination? You will have to read the book to find out! 

Who is your favourite character in A Scottish Country Escape and why?

I think it is probably Elle, my heroine. She loses her parents in a terrible accident and her happy, settled family life is thrown into chaos. She has also split from her self-absorbed boyfriend, who failed to support her during that time. She has  to deal with a lot but also try to move on with her life and be there for her grandmother. I think anybody who has lost someone they love, will feel an affinity with what she is going through.

Do you have a nature and animal preservation passion, as it has a strong focus in the story?

Yes, I do. I am a big lover of animals and I detest animal cruelty and hunting. I think with the world in the state it is in right now and climate change at the forefront of many minds, it is more important than ever to preserve and protect the wildlife that we have and hopefully improve it.

What came first to you for A Scottish Country Escape ? The plot or the characters? And what or who inspired the story?

The plot started to develop first, followed by the characters. I have to admit I have an obsession with pretty stationery - I think most writers do - so creating a new stationery shop for Elle as her new business, really appealed to me and was fun to write! 

Which scene, character or plotline changed the most from first draft to published book?

I think Dexter probably changed the most out of all of my characters in this book. I tried to make him evolve from being  sullen and self-entitled into the man Elle falls hopelessly in love with. He turns out to be caring and has made sacrifices in his life, for the benefit of others, which is something he doesn't talk about. 

There is always a healthy dash of humour in your novels. Is this a natural part of your writing and/or personality? If so, do you think it made adding humour to the story easier or is it something you’ve had to work at?

I love including humour in my books. I think being able to laugh when I'm reading and in these often depressing times in the world, laughter is everything! Adding humour often isn't easy I find, but I love watching romcoms and comedies, so I always do my best to include some funny scenes or rapport in my stories. I love people who make me laugh! 

Which novel have you read this year that made you laugh uncontrollably and also which one brought you to tears. What was it about these two books that raised such an extreme response in you?

Wow! What a great question! I would say the book that made me laugh so far this year, was Ali Hazelwood's Love on the Brain. A very cleverly written romcom, that was touching, romantic and funny. Some fab one liners in there. I haven't read any book so far this year that has made me cry, but there is still plenty time! 

Name your greatest distraction that can take you away from your writing routine. Apart from our gorgeous rescue dog Cooper, I would say Twitter! 

If you could compare A Scottish Country Escape to a floral bouquet, which flowers would you put together to represent this novel?

Another lovely quesation! My favourite flowers are gerbera - they are like big, brightly coloured daisies, so I would say my book is like those - hopefully, bright, bold and makes you smile.

What is your next writing project and can you share a bit about it?

My next writing project is what I am working on right now, revising with my agent. It is Book six in the Scottish Escapes series and is titled The Bookshop by the Loch. It is due to be released in Spring 2024. Bookshops are another thing I love, again like most authors!

Thank you Cindy for the great interview! xx

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Thank you, Julie, for being my guest and we wish you much success on the release of your new novel! I am sure everyone will love it as much as I did.

Visit Julie’s website to read more about her and her books! And pick up a copy of her newest as well as her previous novels at your favourite shop!

Cindy L Spear