The Best Christmas Gift!


Dear Mom~

It’s Christmas

And though I am far away 

In what some call a strange land~

I can still smell the snow

Falling on roof and skin

And taste the delights

Of your lemon and pumpkin pies~

My favourite desserts during the holiday season

And, of course, turkey, stuffed 

With your scrumptious dressing

And covered in the warmth of rich gravy~

Love on a plate ~ I say!

For your hands prepared it

From the generous recesses of your heart.


I remember as a child

Seeing parcels piled under the tree

And the glitter of festive bows beneath the lights—

Hearing the sound of tinkling tinsel

And rustling paper~

You always made Christmas special.

I could not wait to open my presents

For you always made sure 

I received all the books I wanted.

I would scurry off and get lost in some far away world, 

Fascinating adventures, mysteries and horse stories.

In your own way, you cultivated my love

Of literature— and music, too,

For you provided a piano, guitar

And lessons to learn.


Although 2020 has been difficult

I am so glad you are still here

To spread your Christmas love

That lasts all year through.

Thank you for all you do~

The sacrifices, the giving,

Being there to comfort and rejoice.


I hope 

I always hear the sound of sleigh bells,

The merry laughter~

Your voice~

Cutting through

The sadness and suffering

Of this fallen realm.

Merry Christmas, Mom~

You are the best gift in this world.

Cindy L Spear